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DIVISION DE LA PRODUCTION VEGETALE ET DE LA PROTECTION DES PLANTES LUTTE ANTIACRIDIENNE ~ PROGRAMME RELATIF AU CRIQUET PELERIN LEN Lig g gS Chas ead al pas! iL PLANT PRODUCTION AND PROTECTION DIVISION LOCUST CONTROL - DESERT LOCUST PHUGRAMME Ny, AQP/DL/TSVET VOCABULAIRE TRILINGUE DES TERMES ACRIDOLOGIQUES ah ed) lela gt = 6 SALE = geet Wb pene TRILINGUAL GLOSSARY OF TERMS USED IN ACRIDOLOGY ORGANISATION [DES NATIONS UNIES POUR L'ALIMENTATION ET L’AGRICULTURE paccecall eit) Lely ply LSE Selace FOUD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS ROME 1980 TABLE DES _MATTERES eligind! ast INTRODUCTION (F) INTRODUCTION (2) ‘TERMES - TERMS — L—adbiosl! BIBLIOGRAPHLE - BIBLIOGRAPY _ a ely! ALPHABETIC INDEX 165 166 INTRODUCTION ‘The Standing Group of Experts to coordinate research under the UNIP/FA0 Desert Locust project suerested (London, June 1963) that = gloweary of terme used in Locust research and control be produced and published, It aleo proposed that FAO should entrust the task of compilation and editing to three experts, one Unglish-speaking, one French-speaking and one Arabio-sveakine, to ba raapanayhia for the versions in the respective languages. Tho matter had again been raised at the special session of the Technical Advisory Committee on Desert Locust Control, and thr jerts wore designated for the preparation of the document: Professor Rs Pasquier (Algeria) ror the French text, Dr. RC, Rainey (Centre for Overseas Pest Research, London) for the English text and Kr. M.S, Hassanein (Egypt) for the Arabic text. After very detailed technical discussions of draft definitions at two meet ings of the Working Group (Paris, 1964 and Rone, 1966), virtually complete agreenent wee reached on all pointe, The work was luberrupted ty the death or Froressor Pasquier, and its completion has nov been made possible by Dr. R. Skaf's skills in all three languages in association with Dr. Rainey, both of them having extensive field experinnna. Frill use hee boon mado of the moh longer drafi Avabiv gluswary of aoridological terms which wes prepared by Hr. Haesanein in 1968; it includes sany definitions of terns from related sciences for which convenient glossaries were already available in French and Engliah, bit not in Arabic. The publication of this glossary also provides an opportunity to place on record something of the outstandingly lozical approach and prolonged field experience which were uniquely combined in the work of Professor Pasquier, whose painstaking contributions to the understanding of the ecology of the Desert Locust were curtailed by his untimely death, The editing of @ glossary is always a delicate matter since the equivalents of terms and contents are often debatable in various languages. However, this decunent is the Vest Uist vould ve achieved at the present time and we shall be very grateful to any specialists willing to contribute to the improvenent of this version which will be amended later on taking into account comenta and suggestions racaived. ‘The glossary conteins 179 terms which appear in an alphabetical order on ‘the basis of the French text, Corresponding terma in English are shown in the Appendix, Avhuueleuguents are aye to ail persons Naving contributed to the preparation of this gloséary, or who have given advice and coments, and especially to hr. Norbert Gerbier {orance) Miss B, Botts, Dr. D.B, Carlisle, Dr P.E, Ellie (COPR, Ux) end Kiew My haurel (Algeria). Jeon ROY Senior Orricer Locusts, Other Migratory Pests & Ruergeney Operations Flant Protection Service AGP Division - PAO

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