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Name: Laurentiu Mihai (Billy)

Department: External Relations

Goal setting form

What do I want next? My development plan :

PROFESSIONAL - The practice of setting goals and objectives is fundamental to personal and professional
growth. Objectives measure “where a person is going” over an established period of time. Goals should focus
upon the vital and critical parts of professional development. Wherever possible, objectives should be specific
and measurable; it is most helpful if they are written in exacting terms of quality and timeliness. Comments
should be included where appropriate.

Goals Specific objective or activity Completion date

Vanzare Sa particip efectiv la o vanzare 15 aprilie 2010
Companie Sa contactez o companies i sa incerc sa stabilesc o 15 mai 2010
Vanzare Sa realizez o vanzare 1 iunie 2010

Brief analysis of your past activity on the department: Am participat la diferite traininguri, am
fost la majoritatea sedintelor, dar pana acum nu am facut nici o vanzare concreta, lucru pe care
sper s ail realizez cat de curand.


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