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a. Writing in a conversational language and style has a favorable effect.
i. Conversational language should be like the way we have a
ii. Conversation should be warm and natural.
iii. It is a language that people should be comfortable and they like it.
iv. Conversation is the language we use most and understand best.
1. Because it is easy to understand.
2. It is courteous to use.
2. But writing conversational language is not easy because we tend to write
a. We change character when we start to write.
i. We don’t write friendly.
ii. We use big words
iii. They are usually stiff and dull words
iv. So they results to cold and unnatural which creates a not
favorable effect.
3. Positive and Negative words.
a. Positive:
i. Best for messages goals.
1. It is good for persuasion and favorable effect.
b. Negative:
i. Stir up resistance
1. It is bad for favorable effect.
2. **so avoid negative words such as mistake, problem, words
that deny such as no do not and ugly words such as itch
and guts.
4. Courtesy is major contributor to goodwill in business documents.
a. Treat people with respect and friendly.
b. We should use the words such as please, thank you and we’re sorry.
c. Reader should feel comfortable, understood, and appreciated.

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