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In this lesson,we studied social interactionism. From the time of

their birth,children learn independently by exploring by the
environment. There are two important people in social interactionism
(Vygotsky and Feuerstein) They emphasize the importance of
language in interacting with people. Meaning is important for holistic
approaches. And in contrast to Piaget, Vygotsky see the language
holistically. Mediation, which refers to the part played by other
significant people in the learners’ lives,who enhance their learning by
selecting and shaping the learning experiences presented to them, is
very important in social interactionism.
I didn’t have any difficulty in figuring out topics about the social
interactionism. But, I realized that I had better give importance to it
while teaching my students, because there are many beneficial sides of
it. Firstly, as it’s known ,effective learning lies in the nature of the
social interaction between two or more people with different levels of
knowledge. Secondly, students can easily pick up information via
interacting with each other and also they dare to take risk and use the
language effectively in a pair or group works. They don’t feel shy.
They feel relax. And last but not least,we know that,if there is more
social interactionism,the more learning can occur. Because of those
reasons,which I’ve mentioned above,I can use the social
interactionism in my teaching period.

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