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Women’s Prison Book Project

1. Briefly explain your organization and the general work done there.
Women's Prison Book Project (WPBP) provides incarcerated women and
transgender people with free reading materials and resources. 

2. What social issues does your organization address?

We are interested in systematic change of the prison industrial complex in
the US and being part of the movement to create discussion around the role
of prisons in our society and to connect the lives of the incarcerated to those
on the outside.

3. How are volunteers/interns involved in your organization?

Volunteers come every Sunday from noon to 3 pm to our weekly mailings to
fill book orders and package books.  Book mailings are women and
transgender-only space.

4. What do you ask of volunteers/interns in terms of time, flexibility and commitment?

Volunteering with WPBP is flexible.  Come any Sunday you are available to
help.  If you want to be more involved, then we encourage volunteers to help
with fundraising, book drives, soliciting books from publishers, Spanish
translation, etc

5. What skills do you look for in volunteers/interns?

Book mailings are women and transgender-only space.  Other types of
volunteering outside of mailings can be done regardless of gender.  The most
important quality in a volunteer is attention to detail as we serve a lot of
prisons and each prison has its own lists of restrictions and rules for the
packages we send.

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