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World History1 Ch1 glossary

Glossary Chapter 1
cuneiform “wedge-shaped.” A system of writing developed by the Sumerians that consisted of
wedge-shaped impressions made by a reed stylus on clay tablets.

divination the practice of seeking to foretell future events by interpreting divine signs, which could
appear in various forms, such as in the entrails of animals, in patterns in smoke, or in dreams.

hieroglyphics a highly pictorial system of writing most often associated with ancient Egypt. Also
used (with different “pictographs”) by other ancient peoples such as the Maya.

hominid the earliest humanlike creatures. They flourished in East and South Africa as long as three
to four million years ago.

Mesolithic Age the period from 10,000 to 7000 c.e., characterized by a gradual transition from a
food-gathering and hunting economy to a food-producing economy.

monotheism having only one god; the doctrine or belief that there is only one god.

Neolithic Revolution the development of agriculture, including the planting of food crops and the
domestication of farm animals, around 10,000 b.c.e.

Paleolithic Age the period of human history when humans used simple stone tools (c. 2,500,000–
10,000 b.c.e.).

Pharaoh the most common title used for Egyptian kings. Pharaohs possessed absolute power and
were seen as divine.

polytheism having many gods; belief in or the worship of more than one god.

satrap a governor with both civil and military duties in the ancient Persian Empire, which was
divided into satrapies, or provinces, each administered by a satrap.

satrapy one of the provinces of the ancient Persian Empire, each ruled by a satrap.

theocracy a government based on a divine authority.

ziggurat a massive stepped tower on which a temple dedicated to the chief god or goddess of a
Sumerian city was built.

Zoroastrianism a religion founded by the Persian Zoroaster in the seventh century c.e.,
characterized by worship of a supreme god,

Ahuramazda, who represents the good against the evil spirit, Ahriman.

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