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System Requirements for the use of Microsoft Excel Viewer 7.

0 for Windows 95
- A personal computer with a 386DX or higher microprocessor
- Microsoft Windows(r) 95 operating system or Microsoft Windows NT(tm)
Workstation operating system 3.51 or later
- 4 MB of memory for Windows 95 (8 MB recommended);
16 MB of memory for Windows NT Workstation
- 4 MB of hard disk space (6MB free for installation only)
- VGA or higher-resolution video adapter
- Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device
To install Excel Viewer, please follow these instructions:
1. Installation of Excel Viewer is designed to take place from within
Microsoft Windows. If Windows is not running, please start it
before continuing.
2. Make sure to close all applications first and make sure you are
not running any utilities or virus protection before proceeding.
3. If you have the Excel Viewer self-extracting archive EXCELVWR.EXE, run it
to extract the setup files and automatically start Setup.
If you received Excel Viewer on floppy disks, run the SETUP.EXE program on
Disk 1.
4. Excel Viewer Setup will prompt you for a folder in which to install
the Excel Viewer. The default folder location for the Excel Viewer is
5. Click the "Installation" button to install the Excel Viewer.
6. If Excel Viewer Setup detects Excel for Windows (version 5.0 or later)
on your system, it will prompt you to determine which application
should open Excel documents by default. For example, the 'default'
application is used to open files with *.XLS, *.XLT, *.XLM, or *.XLC
file extensions when they are double-clicked in the Windows 95 shell.
- Choosing "Open with Excel" means that Excel for Windows will be used
by default to open Excel files.
- Choosing "Open with Viewer" means that Excel Viewer will be used by
default to open Excel files. NOTE: If you choose this option, you
must run the Excel for Windows Setup program to restore Excel for
Windows as the default viewer of Excel documents.
7. To run Excel Viewer, click the Start button on the Windows 95 Taskbar
and then point to Programs and choose Microsoft Excel Viewer.
Alternatively, you can run Excel Viewer by double-clicking on the XLVIEW.EXE
file in your \PROGRAM FILES\XLVIEW folder.

For information on using Excel Viewer, open the document README.TXT.

For information about Microsoft Excel 95, please open the document XL95INFO.TXT.

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