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Blake Runfola

AP English
A tea Party Chapter 4
Gatsby. “So I thought you ought to know something about me. I didn’t want you
to think I was just some nobody.” It seems as if Gatsby has a huge want to be looked at
in a positive way. Gatsbys qualities have complete opposities as if he can be one thing
and another. His good qualities would be his caring attitude, distribution of wealth and
true love for Daisy. His worst qualities are his extremely suspicious demeanor, bizarre
stories of his acquisition into wealth and his connections to corrupt business. It is as if
one moment Gatsby is a symbol of virtue and truth and then another moment he seems
dishonest and unkown.
The novel is going to be centered around Gatsby from chapter five and on in the
novel. It seems as if now he has become a character in the story and will stick around
through out. His mysterious background and motives will bring twists into his character
as the events progress. His role as a main character will help the reader uncover hidden
truths about Gatsby and his beginnings.
"A phrase began to beat in my ears with a sort of heady excitement: 'There are
only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy, and the tired.'" (85) this deep quote that
illustrates the characters in the novel and their roles. Daisy is the pursued and Gatbsy is
the pursuing. Tom is the busy one and Jordan is the tired one.
The green light stated in chapter 1 journal is the most prolific symbol that stands
out. It can now be understood that the reaching out by Gatsby is towards Daisy’s peer.
Gatsby’s hope and love for Daisy is represented through the green light to which he
extends his arms for. The light is the basic representation of Gatsby’s desire and wishes.

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