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This project is aimed to know the working of railway reservation system when a ticket is

(i)We are going to create a system according to which a railway reservation clerk works and
checks the following:-

1)availability of tickets,
2)fares of tickets,
3)source leaving time,
4)destination reaching time and
5)Journey date,time,etc.;

(ii) The clerk checks for the availability of the tickets, if it is available then he/she book's it for
(iii) If the tickets are booked ,the clerk takes the amount and prints the receipt.
(iv) If the customer wants to cancel the ticket he needs to go to clerk who then checks in the
and cancels it.

if we consider online booking, the following steps take place:
 We can also book tickets online through internet where we use debit/credit card for
paying the amount.
 Here it asks for the credit/debit number that is printed on the card then they ask for pin
number or user name or password .
 If the password or pin is correct it moves to the next step and prints the ticket else it
cancels it.
 Similarly for cancelling a ticket it requests for the P.N.R number.

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