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Unit 1 AO

In this assignment I will be looking at career progression in the Army. I will be

hoping to cover all of the following:
 Promotion opportunities.
 Progression procedures.
 Specialist/Trade opportunities.

The highest rank in the British army is Field Marshall, the lowest is Officer Cadet.
Here are all of the ranks.

As you can see there are a lot of ranks and it takes a lot of time to go through the
ranks. In the US Army the number of people in each rank changes. As each year
Congress passes the Defence Authorization Act. This is the budget that the army are
given and so they have to make cuts when they don’t have the money to keep so many
people in high ranks. However they can have infinite people below E-3, this is Private
first class.

Promotion opportunities
Although you do not need any qualifications to enter a public service, having them
will make promotion easier and faster. “You can expect to be promoted to the rank of
Captain from the end of your fifth year onwards, or third year if you have a
degree.”( .This makes it difficult to choose weather to stay on in
school or join at 16. As you get a degree and spend 3 years in the army and reach the
rank of Captain or leave school for the army at 16 and become a Captain by the same
time as they would if they had gone to get a degree.

Specialist and trade opportunities

The British army offers a wide range of specialist and trade opportunities for example
a store man acquires new skills such as accounting, administration and logistics.
Musicians, learn to play an instrument however this can only be learnt in companies
A,C and D. Other specialist and trade opportunities include: Assault pioneer,
Intelligence section, Machine gunner, Medic, Mortar crew, Officer/NCO, Physical
training instructor, Anti-tank platoon, Regimental Police, Signaller and AGC Dept.

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