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“From the Testimony of Zanne Farbstein about surviving the Holocaust.

” Yad Vashem The Holocaust

Martyrs’, 2011 Web. 4 May 2011.

“We were the first Jews in Auschwitz.”

Zanne Farbstein survived a dreadful 3 years at Auschwitz beginning in March of 1942. Zanne and her 2
sister’s (Edith and Sarah), along with 1000 other girls, were the first Jews to arrive in Auschwitz. Zanne
quickly learned of the 5 crematoria that existed at there that ‘remained so full that the small children
were forced into pits and burned alive.’ Zanne's time at Auschwitz escaped death due to her Aryan
features and instead was issued roadwork, digging trenches and sorting the clothes and possessions of
new arrivals.

“From the Testimony of David Gur about Surviving the Holocaust.” Yad Vashem The Holocaust Martyrs’
2011 Web. 4 May 2011.

“It is probable that every 2nd Jew who survived in Budapest produced something in our workshop”

It was Hungary 1944 and a team of Zionist had moved underground and required forged documents.
While working as a building apprentice ,David Gur aided in the supplying of not only the forged
documents for the Zionists youth movement, but later for the movement in general and eventually the
Jewish public and finally those of non Jewish decent who were against the Nazi regime. The idea was to
get the Jews out through Romania and into Israel where it would be safe.

20 years later he and friends create a commemorative organization that brings to light the methods and
the dangers involved through series of books, film and lectures.

This testimony brings to light the will of a people who are willing to stand up for what they believe in
regardless of the risks.

Zanne Farbstein


David Gur

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