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COMEDK Exam Syllabus:

Generally, the questions in COMEDK Entrance exam are asked from Mathematics, Phy
sics, Chemistry and Biology of 10+2 level of examination. Subject -wise Syllabus
or subject topics that are generally asked are given in the following lines.
Physics Syllabus:
Heat and thermodynamics, electrostatics, oscillations, thermal and chemical effe
cts of currents, electromagnetic induction and alternating currents, physical wo
rld & measurement, introduction, description of motion in one dimension, descrip
tion of motion in two and three dimensions, etc.
Chemistry Syllabus:
Chemistry of representative elements, nuclear chemistry, electrochemistry, chemi
cal kinetics, chemistry in action, chemistry of biological processes, biomolecul
es, polymers, chemistry of carbon compounds, coordination chemistry and organo m
etallics, transition metals including lanthanides etc.
Mathematics Syllabus:
Vectors and three dimensional geometry, matrices and determinants, circles, coor
dinate geometry, exponential and logarithmic series, Probability, correlation an
d regression, differential equations, definite integral, integral calculus, diff
erential calculus etc.
Biology Syllabus:
Diversity in Living World, Structural Organisation in Plants and Animals, Biolog
y and Human Welfare, Ecology and Environment, Reproduction in Organism, Genetics
& Evolution, etc.

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