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Chapter Seven : SWOT Analysis

Kindori Japanese Icecream

SWOT Analysis
Chapter Seven : SWOT Analysis

Chapter Seven: SWOT Analysis

7.1 Strengths

 All Kindori’s ice-cream product are made fresh on the spot per order, unlike other
brands that sells ready-made ice-cream.

 Blast-freezing of fruits retains the quality, texture and taste of the fruits as well as the
vitamins and nutrients.
 Use of 100% fresh milk base instead of cream provides more calcium than other ice-
cream brands.

 Very low in calorie and fat due to the all-natural ingredients used.

 No added sugar or preservatives as the ice-cream is naturally sweetened with fruit

sugars and the blast-freezing technology makes the fruits stay fresh for longer.

 A wide variety of local and exotic flavours to choose from.

7.2 Weaknesses

 The process of making the ice-cream is time-consuming and depends on the speed of
the staff to cater to many customers at one time.

 The ice-cream product is unavailable in other states, depending heavily on its two
outlets in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor to sell.

 The flavour and taste is unpredictable as it depends completely on the nature of the

 Mild sweetness due to zero sugar addition may not sum up to consumer’s expectations
of a sugary ice-cream dessert.

 Lack of promotion and advertising activities.

Chapter Seven : SWOT Analysis

7.3 Opportunities

 Most Malaysians are health conscious, especially today’s young adults which makes up
for more than half of the target audience and are also frequent buyers of ice-cream.

 People tend to lounge at cafes for desserts, especially ice-cream, after heavy meals. A
healthy ice-cream dessert would be the perfect treat for a balanced diet.

 Obesity has become a major issue in Malaysia, therefore people at risk will avoid ice-
cream products that are high in fat, calorie and sugar.

 The brand’s aim to sell health in a form of a delicious ice-cream could generate interest
among big companies or associations to strike a partnership or collaboration to do
health programmes or campaigns. This would definitely create a better brand image for
Kindori as well as add to the company’s corporate value.

7.4 Threats

 The market demand for healthy ice-creams is still low in Malaysia.

 Major weather or climate changes could greatly affect the agriculture sector and this
will result in low supply of fruits and thus resulting in low productivity of the ice-cream.

 The common misconception of healthy ice-cream still prevails. People tend to disregard
healthy ice-cream as plain tasting and not worth the money.

 Competitors continue to capture consumer’s attention and affect their purchasing

choices by vigorously coming up with big budget advertisements and hard-to-resist
promotions, overshadowing lesser known brand’s efforts to shine.
Chapter Seven : SWOT Analysis

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