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Tomatoes 2(large)
Rice 2cups
Onion 1(large)
Ginger chopped 1tsp
Green chillies 3
Curry leaves few
Garam Masala 1/2tsp(optional)
Salt as required
Coriander leaves for garnish
Ghee/Clarified butter 4stp
Cashew broken 3tsp
For tempering:
Chana dal 1tsp
Urad dal 1tsp
Cumin seeds 1/2 tsp
Mustard seeds 1/2 tsp
Hing -pinch
Whole red chillies 2
Heat 4stp of ghee in a wide bottomed pan,add the tempering ingredients.After
the dals are light brown, add cashews,chopped ginger, green chillies,curry leav
es and onion chopped in order .To this add salt and fry till the onions are gol
den brown.
To this add a pinch of hing,Tomatoes,red chilli powder and cook till the tom
atoes are fully soft and cooked.At this satge add grama masala if you are using.
Finally to this add the cooked rice.Mix well ,adjust salt and garnish with c
oriander leaves.
Goes well with Raita.

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