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The present research work talks about to ³The psychopedagogic training of the
educators and its influence in the psychomotor development of the children of First
basic year ³Lauro Damerval Ayora school Nº.one ´ Of the Loja city. Period 2010 -
2011´ ; whose general objective is to contribute to improve the quality of the
prescholastic education, making awareness to authorities on the importance
that the psychopedagogic training has of the educators like support for the
psychomotor development of the children and children of First Year of Basic
Education. And, as specific objective we considered the following: To establish the
influence of the psychopedagogic training of the educators in the psychomotor
development of the children. Whose methodology is inside of a research by means
of the application of test to children, and surveys to the educational ones.

After this intervention one we conclude that the children showed limitations or
difficulties in their psychomotor development; and lack of knowledge, workshops to
the educational ones about this problem to appear. Reason why it would be
important that the children have of a good friendly and affective atmosphere of
socialization; because through this, they link with the world, they recognize the
situations of the things, who are the others, acquire culture, experience their
feelings and emotions and knowledge to be related to them; it is possible to
focus that it is the most importance the used methodology, since emphasizes the
practice like a potential factor of the knowledge; as opposed to which it is
recommended that to get from a reliable diagnostic it is necessary to apply tests
according to the learning area, compiling precise and clear data that they allow us
to locate to the boy or girl in what level of psychomotor development is; in the
same way to the educational ones to get important data on the knowledge of this
problem to treat; as opposed to which it is recommended that it is necessary to
motivate to the educational ones through conferences, workshops and with the
daily communication the importance that has the psychomotor development, which
it must become friendly and affective atmosphere that allows to the children to
grow with confidence and safety, thus they develop their skills; Also the home
must become a space of stimulus and valuation of the girl and boy; to share
together to its parents a game and affection space to help to develop its

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