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James' Story of Survival - US Military

"I had 2 of your straps, and because I had 2... I'm still alive."

This story comes from James in California.  He is one of America's incredible Warriors who
chose to join the military and fight for our freedom.  We are humbled to have men like this
wearing our gear and glad that it helped him get out of a rough situation.  We are glad that James
is home safe now.  Here is his story of how he used his SurvivalStraps.

James' Story of Survival:

'Hi everybody-
I had 2 of your straps, and because I had 2... I'm still alive. I cannot give you details or too many
specifics, but this is what I can tell you...
I was in Iraq and given the responsibility of providing cover for my unit on a raid. As a sniper, I
chose a building that was already destroyed and hid within the rubble. I had taken out a couple
insurgents before a lucky mortar shot exploded within range of my position.  The blast was near
enough to wound me.  I was also somewhat exposed as my cover was shaken down.
While in Iraq, I wore one of your straps on each wrist (they were all black and the WIDE ones
with the stainless steel clamp).  I unraveled the first one, tying it on my leg above the worst
wound to make a tourniquet. It stopped the bleeding. The second, I cut in half and was able to tie
up some large pieces of debris to help create more cover. From this position I continued to
provide covering fire for my troops as the mission was successful. We lost no one and the
injuries were minimal. I was able to move on my own to rejoin my unit.
It's safe to say I might not have made it out without your straps... either by the possibility of
bleeding to death or further wounds due to exposure to the enemy. In any case... I love you
guys!  I'm out now and home safe...I'll be strapped when they bury me...It's in the will!!!   Cheers
my friends!'
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Army Soldier deploys Survival Bracelet he received in a Care Package!

Dear SurvivalStraps,

I am in the United States Army, and while in Iraq, I received a Survival Strap in one of your care
packages.  I really loved having one.  While conducting a mission, my rifle sling was cut by the vehicle
ramp door.  I unraveled my survival strap and used it to make a makeshift sling.  Thanks to you I was
able to continue the mission with positive control of my weapon.  Now that I am home, I would like to
purchase another one.

Thank You,
David J.

We are deeply appreciative of David's service.  His story definitely qualifies him for our replacement
guarantee. We are getting David a new Survival Bracelet of his choice, free of charge, right away.  It is
extremely cool that customer of ours sent a soldier one of our care packages, and then David ended up
using it to get him out of a jam. 

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