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Small Business Advice June 20, 2010  Melinda Emerson

The definition of a sale is when preparation and

opportunity meet on the same day. In business, it helps to understand that customers are working
to minimize risk when they enter into contracts with small businesses. Some small business
owners often loose opportunities because of bad habits and not recognizing that certain things
must be in place before they start marketing their products and services. These issues speak
directly to trust and credibility for a business owner.


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This is the mistake that small business owners make the most. Having proper social skills and
being in tune with your surroundings will take you a long way in business.

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3‘ uo you have a tendency to talk too much at networking events, or worse, share too much
personal information? No one except the banquet manager cares about how hard it was to
find a parking space. Keep your networking chat smart.
3‘ Are you dressed like someone that has an executive presence? Or, like you should be
serving the meal at the event. Everyone should have signature colors and at least three
killer outfits. Men, the tie color and the shoes are very important.
3‘ uo you have a strong elevator pitch or do people need to ask you questions to help you
define what you do? Great elevator pitches hit on three key things: explain the type of
business, explain the target customer and close with a question.
3‘ uo you appropriately follow-up new leads and contacts or are you a stalker? Be smart
with follow-up. You can send an email, personal note and make a phone call within three
months of meeting a contact unless instructed otherwise. Calling every week will not
bring opportunity to your business.

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It¶s surprising to me how many business owners still do not have a website. I can¶t remember
the last time I used a paper directory or phone book to find a vendor. Many people will perform
an internet search before they ever call you, so if your customers can¶t find you online, you are
missing out on opportunities. Nowadays, pulling together a business website is much easier.
Have an idea of what you want, and if you plan on incorporating a blog I strongly suggest you
start writing blog posts at least three months prior to the launch of your website, so that you do
not get backed-up trying to develop content once your business starts rolling.

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I love my gmail account too, but that¶s not the one I use for customer contact. Your emails
should come from a branded account that promotes your business.

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Yes, all of you out there using business cards that you can get for free online are really hurting
your business brand. Invest in a professional logo and a two color business card. uo not hand
out business cards that have it printed on the back that they were free. That tells a prospective
customer that you are not serious about your business.

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Your small business should have a dedicated phone line with voicemail. uo not use your cell
phone as your main business line. You¶ll never to do business with a major corporation with that
as your brand image. Also, please do not use those answering machines that come with the
phone. No matter what you do, the message will never sound professional.

Are there any other common mistakes that you think some small business owners make when
starting out in business?





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