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We learned this week social interactionism.

Social interactionism is related with humanistic and

cognitive perspectives. I have learned two important and well known psychologists Russian, Vygotsky
and the Israeli, Feurstain. I learned their views to language teaching.

Social interactionists say that everybody is born in a social world. So, people interact with each other. As
a result of interaction we make our own sense to the world. . We have talked about a deaf and not being
able to speak family in our lesson. The family had innate problems. They thought that our children have
the same problems with us when they were born. However these children werenot deaf and they were
able to speak.However they did not receive any word from their family. After the family had awared this
situation, they decided to send their children to a course to interact. After interacting with other people
these children were able to speak. As a result of this example, we learn a language through using the
language to interact meaningfully with other people.

Vygotsky emphasized the importance of language in interacting with people, not just speech, but signs
and symbols as well. He had a holistic approach. He rejected broken down small pieces to learn. Also, I
have learned mediation. Effective learning depend on social interaction between different level of skill
and knowledge. The person who has more skill and knowledge helps another one. This important
person in the child’s learning is known as a mediator. Vygotsky says that learning may appear in charge
of the challenge. A little beyond learner’s capacity should be given information, so learning appears.

In contrast to Vygotsky’s mainly theoretical writings, Feuerstain focus on for classroom teaching and
learning. Feuerstain was one of the founder members of Israel. Jewish children came all around the
world to Israel. So that they had problems mentally. Feuerstain main goal is that construct methods of
providing them with the skills and strategies to overcome their learning difficulties and to become
effective learners.

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