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Copyright © 2000-2008
Rick Meyers
All Rights Reserved Worldwide

e-Sword is given freely to all. It is illegal to sell copies. Please report any violations.

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e-Sword® is a registered trademark of Rick Meyers.

This copyright applies to all program files, add-on modules, documentation, graphics and auxiliary files, except
those parts written by other people (which are normally copyright their authors). The license applies to the
whole program.

This license describes the conditions under which you may use and distribute e-Sword. If you are unable or
unwilling to accept these conditions in full, then, notwithstanding the conditions in the remainder of this
license, you may not use nor distribute the program at all.

e-Sword is free software. This license is designed not to restrict your freedom except insofar as is necessary to
ensure that the program remains free for all. If you want to do something that is against this license, but within
the spirit of free software, then let's talk about it.

1. The program may be used free of charge by any person or organization to whom it is made available,
provided that that person accepts the conditions of this license.

2. You may make copies for yourself and friends, provided that any distribution is also free. You may not
charge for the program itself, nor may you charge for any type of duplication costs, postage, etc. You must
not do anything to suggest to the person to whom it is distributed that e-Sword is anything other than free
software. The program may not be sold or resold, distributed as a part of any commercial package, or used
or distributed to support any kind of profit-generating activity, even if it is being distributed freely.

3. You may not host e-Sword files, neither the program itself nor any associated modules, on any web site or
server on the Internet. You may not disassemble or reverse engineer e-Sword, nor any of its associated

4. No warranty of any sort, expressed or implied, is provided in connection with the program, including, but
not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Any cost, loss or
damage of any sort incurred owing to the malfunction or misuse of the program or the inaccuracy of the
documentation or connected with the program in any other way whatsoever is solely the responsibility of
the person who incurred the cost, loss or damage. Furthermore, any illegal use of the program is solely the
responsibility of the person committing the illegal act. By using this program you accept these
responsibilities, and give up any right to seek any damages against Rick Meyers in connection with this

5. I, Rick Meyers, reserve the right to make exceptions to any of these conditions, or alter these conditions, at
any time.

5902 Parham Road
Franklin, TN 37064
United States of America

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