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Central Dogma:

DNA RNA Proteins


1) Occurs in the nucleus once DNA strands have split.

2) mRNA forms a copy of the nitrogenous bases of the anti-sense strands only.
3) Same sequence of bases except thymine is replaced by uracil.
4) After transcription, this mRNA moves out of the nucleus through nuclear pores.


1) After the messenger RNA moves out of the nucleus, ribosomes attach themselves to this
Messenger RNA strand.
2) The ribosomes cover an area of 3 codons on the mRNA strand.
3) The first transport RNA will bring an amino acid and the anti-codon exposed on the transport
RNA will have complementary binding with the codon of the messenger RNA in the site A of
the ribosome.
4) The ribosome will move and the first tRNA will be in the site P on the ribosome.
5) The m RNA chain will move further into the ribosome such that the A site now has the
second codon exposed. The second t RNA carrying an amino acid will fill site A with its anti-
codon exposed.
6) Complementary binding will take place and the new amino acid will attach to the first (by a
condensation reaction, with water molecule as a by-product. The first amino acid will be
released by the t RNA.
7) In this manner, the t RNA’s will move sequentially from site A to P to E and the new amino
acid chain will continue to form a protein until the stop codon (UAA, UAG, UGA). In this case,
the translation will not occur, but the translation process will stop.

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