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My Last Experience

Just before I returned to University I had my last holiday of the semester holiday. I went to
Bogor with my Band and had a brilliant time. We stayed in a huge house that we rented next to a
small village Cisarua. We stayed in Cisarua Bogor for a week and in this time we visited many
places such as Atta’awun Mosque, Seven curug Waterfall, Safari Park and many others. The best
place for me had to be Seven curug Waterfall. Seven curug Waterfall is just a place in Cisarua
but has seven fantastic waterfall where you can swim, taking picture or doing Out Bound. On our
last day we went to Seven curug Waterfall and the weather wasn’t good but the fogs were
unbelievable. I honestly don’t think I have laughed so much watching my mates getting taken
lost by many fogs when trying to climb to the top of the waterfall. We tried to wait for our lost
friends and after meeting we finally decided to back down and make small games. finally the sky
was getting late and we decided to return home

Name : Muhammad Aslam Taufiq

Semester : VIII. Linguistic (II.C)

Study :: Structure II

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