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A crime is an act or omission, which is prohibited by law as injurious to the public and is
punishable by the state. This can be a general definition.
The definition of crime changes from place to place in accordance with the faith and traditions of
different societies. Even in the same region the judgment of defining a crime may change with
time. For example dowry and untouchibility is a crime now that but many years back these were
not considered as a crime. Abortion is legal act now but some years this was not the situation.

Definition: ‘An immoral and harmful act that is regarded as criminal’

According to Blackstone. ‘A crime is an act committed or omitted in violation of a public law for
binding or commanding it’.

The criminal law of India has been codified in the Penal Code and in the Criminal Produce Code;
the former Code deals specifically with offences and states what matters will afford an excuse or
a defence to a charge of an offence. The Penal Code is the substantive law and the Criminal
Procedure Code is the procedural law.

Criminal Act
A criminal act is the commission of any act that has been defined as a crime to the IPC and other
statues defining crime. This Criminal Act is known as Actus Reus

Sanguli hates Doni and sometimes wishes he could kill him. On many occasions he has even
imagined scenarios where he could kill Doni but his thoughts have never taken the shape of real
actions. One day he confesses of this desire to 10-Dool-Kar who informs the police. In this case
no crime has been committed since Sanguli has not committed any physical act to give a real
shape to his thoughts. Actus Reus is lacking even if the intention to kill Doni in present.
Mental elements in crime:

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