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Name of the Game: Stage Two Duration: 10-15 minutes

The Farm Barn


Divide the classroom into four groups and have move into each corner of the play area. Give each group an animal name from the farm (e.g. sheep, chicken, cows and
ducks). When everyone is in their designated area the teacher can call out two animal names and the groups have to run and change places. The same name continues
throughout the game.

Why is this game important for this stage?

• The game Farm Barn is important as it increases the students pulse rate, which allows the blood and oxygen supply to the muscles.
• Helps students with their social skills where one can demonstrate teamwork, tactics and strategies when participating in team games.

• This game will help develop students’ physical fitness.

What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How?

• COS2.1 Uses a variety of ways to communicate with and within groups-

-Reports on participation in games and activities to a large group.

-Makes a complaint, states a problem or disagrees in acceptable ways

• DMS2.2 Makes decisions as an individual and as a group member

-Considers individual strengths and limitations when allocating group roles, e.g. team positions

-Chooses physical activities that are enjoyed by all members of a group

• MOS2.4 Displays a focus on quality of movement in applying movement skills to a variety of familiar and new situations
-Performs a simple moves combining locomotors and non-locomotors movements

• PSS2.5 Uses a range of problem-solving strategies

-Analyses problem situation

Equipment and Teaching cues

• To make the game harder for next time obstacles (balls, bean bags, witches hats etc) while running can be added.
• To make the game a little easier the students can run with short steps.
• During the next game the classes’ interest will be incorporated to the game to keep them involved and allow them to have a say.

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