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We studied types of learning in this lesson.Types of learning vary

according to the context and subject matter to be learned.Gagne
identified eight types of learning:signal learning,stimulus-response
learning,chaining,verbal association,multiple discrimination,concept
learning,principle learning and problem solving.The first five types of
learning are related with behavioristic and the last three are explained
by Ausubel’s or Roger’s theories of learning.
Transfer,interferences and overgeneralization are the three terms
for learning process.Transfer can be separated into two parts:positive
and negative transfers.Positive transfer occurs when the information
which we know already is useful for learning.If it’s not useful it can
be called negative transfer.The role of interference is very important in
second language learning.If we use whatever previous experience
about the language ,we can facilitate the second language learning
process.Much of human learning involves generalization.For
example,if a child is exposed to various kinds of animals at an early
stage of generalization,he gains the concept of animals and if he is
familiar with dogs,he can call the horse a dog.And also,at the early
stage of learning english,the children can overgeneralize all the past
tense forms of the irregular verbs such as goed,buyed until they learn
the irregular category.

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