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/* Incrementing LED's on PORT B */

/* Mike Lawrence Feb 2004 */

void delay(void)
unsigned int count ; /*declare a variable for the delay*/
for ( count = 0 ; count <= 32000 ; count= count + 1) ;

void main (void)

unsigned int value = 0; /*declare & initialise variable for increment*/

/* Select the Register bank 1 */

set_bit ( STATUS, RP0 ) ;
/* set all of PORTB for output */
TRISB = 0x00 ;
/* set all of PORTA for input */
TRISA = 0x1f ;
/* now use Register bank 0 */
clear_bit ( STATUS, RP0 ) ;

while (1) {
/* send the LED bit pattern to PORT B LEDS */
PORTB = value;
/*increase the value of the increment by one */
value= value + 1;
/*check if the value is less than 255 (hex ff)*/
if(value == 0xff)
/*reset the variable if value is at max limit*/
{value = 0;}

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