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Mass Fitness Nutrition

Basics of a good nutrition program

1. You should eat smaller and more frequent meals throughout the day instead of larger ones.

Why? Because when you eat smaller proportions of food several times a day, your metabolism
actually increases. This allows you to burn more fat. Burning fat is what you want when building
muscle mass. Recent findings have shown that several hours of no food in your body cause you
to lose muscle and gain fat. Thereby, in order to give you maximum results with your training,
you will need to eat between four to six meals a day spaced out at 2 to 3 hour intervals. For new
bodybuilders with limited knowledge on nutrition, this may not seem like a great idea, but rest
assure that you will gain more muscle mass from taking smaller and more frequent meals.

2. Every meal should have the correct ratio of carbohydrates, protein and fat

Having smaller and frequent meals is not enough to gain muscle mass. You also need to know
the basics of nutrition to help you reach your fitness goal. You do need a correct ratio of
carbohydrates, protein and fat in your body to properly absorb and use them properly. Let’s say
that if you only eat carbohydrates in one meal, your body will begin to fail and it w

ill store all the unused carbohydrates into fat. This is not what you want. However if you only eat
proteins, your body will also struggle because of the body inability to turn protein into muscle
without the presence of carbohydrates. Therefore, it is very vital that the ratio of each particular
macronutrient be in order to achieve maximum results. A good meal plan should have ratios of
40% carbohydrates, 40% protein, and 20% fat.

3. The calories should be cycled

Many bodybuilders may do most things correctly with nutrition but if they do not cycle their
calories, their result may stagnate. Bodybuilders looking to gain muscle mass should follow five
days of high calorie (lean body mass x 15) along with two days of lower calorie intake (lean
body mass x 12). Athletes looking to lose weight should follow five days of low calorie intake
(lean body mass x 12) along with 2 days of higher calories. I believe that if you follow these
exact guidelines, you should be able to meet your fitness goals within six months.

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