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Suppression, Censorship and Dogmatism in Science

From the frontpage:

"Historically, there were few scientific breakthroughs that were not violently opposed,
condemned and strongly resisted. Every scientist knows this, Thomas Kuhn has written a book
about it that is considered a classic, and yet the pattern keeps repeating itself. Many
mainstream scientists these days believe that science has essentially reached 'the end of the
road', that everything that can be understood has been understood, and that therefore claims to
genuinely revolutionary discoveries must necessarily be erroneous or fraudulent.

Establishment science has thus gotten into the habit of ignoring, burying or suppressing what
has now become astonishing amounts of anomalous evidence. Some of this evidence
challenges the very foundations of the accepted scientific worldview, and none of it is taught in
universities or covered by textbooks. Mention any of it to a mainstream scientist, and odds are
you will be dismissed as a crank, or worse, a crackpot. The conclusion is sobering: some of
what passes for "scientific fact" these days is little more than a social construct. What is true
and what is not is determined by the scientific prestige of the claimant, the predilections of
journal editors and referees, and by economic interests. A scientist who challenges the status
quo becomes a persona non grata - banned from publication in journals and speaking on
conferences, defunded, marginalized. The victims of this phenomenon include world-class
scientists such as Jacques Benveniste, Peter Duesberg, Halton Arp, Stanley Pons and Martin

This site is intended to serve a threefold purpose- to educate the public on the widespread
phenomenon of suppression, censorship and unscientific dogmatism in modern science, to
expose the methods and tactics of those behind it, especially the organized "skeptics", and to
promote a healthy skepticism towards the alleged certainties provided by modern science."


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