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The Influence of the Moors on Spanish Music

I. Intro
A. Spain’s vibrant musical culture
B. Thesis
C. Influence of the Moors
II. Geography
A. Peninsula
B. Pyrenees to northeast
C. Strait of Gibraltar to South
III. History
A. Previous landing of the Carthaginians
B. History of the Moors
C. Invasion of Spain
D. Lasting impact
IV. Impact on culture
A. Architecture
B. Art
C. Folklore about conquests
V. Spanish music ignored in classical world
A. “The Black Legend”
B. Influence of the Moors
VI. The lute
A. Ancient Middle Eastern instrument
B. Comes from Arabic “al’ud”
C. Inspired guitar, vihuela
VII. The vihuela
A. Spain’s innovation on the lute
B. Italian vihuela called “viola”
VIII. The rabab
A. Introduced bowing to Europeans
IX. Arabic styles of the time
A. Extremely complex compared to Western music
B. Based on scales called maqams

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