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A zoo has no useful purpose

I have never been to a zoo but I saw at TV, and me personally I love animals and I like to
have but a zoo where you put behind bars wild animals has no purpose and it is only for
people’s entertainment, for people’s fun.

I don’t like the idea that animals are in some cages, I can’t see them like that. Animals
should be in the woods, in jungle I don’t know in their own natural habitat.

Putting them in some cages you make them inoffensive and a motive for people to make
fun. They are closed and all that animals can do is to eat and sleep. Some of them don’t even
have enough place only to make two steps they cannot run or anything else. All what we are
doing by closing them in some tiny cages is to torture those poor animals.

Animals are not some vengeful creatures, they are also scared of us like we are.
Everybody runs from animals are scared of them but I think that animals are a lot more afraid
of us than we are of them. They attack because that is their nature, this is how they survive,
some animals attack when they feel invaded or threatened.

My opinion is that animals should never been closed in some cages only to make people
laugh or something like this. They should let to live in their own habitat to have their own life as
we are having ours. Animals have rights too.

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