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Name: Ahmed Saleh Naji Shaker ID: 110022422

Subject: communication theory and study skills


The Outline

Cultural diversity in the workplace

Thesis statement: working

people at same place from different countries within every work group, within any
division in a government or within any department are countless acts of cooperation and
cultural diversity might bring different sets of improving the diversity programs,
developing the management and the manger of the company

Body (1) opportunity to improving the programs of the company during that While
workplace diversity programs are the norm rather than the exception, many people do not
distinguish between "diversity and "affirmative action." Diversity is sometimes seen as
another words such affirmative action or equal opportunity


diversity management s of the company going to develop during that In the most
pronounced sense the management of diversity is a business' reaction to rapid cultural
and sociological changes. Internally, diversity management means providing a climate
where all employees feel that the organization is flexible and astute about changes
occurring in the world markets

Body (3) diversity manger Managers have been led to expect that effectively managing
workplace diversity will boost organizational competitiveness and benefit all groups of
employees.  Many organizations such as the Veterans Administration and Department of
Defense are engaging in activities to manage their employees of different genders, ages,
racial-ethnic backgrounds, and sexual orientations. 


Although, it has believed that some people would say that One facet of the problem is
the lack of attention to evaluation.  After all, organizations would be curious to see what
it looks like.  But perhaps it is understandable why an organization would not monitor its
diversity initiatives.  First example, evaluation may be avoided because of an
unwillingness to go beyond the most superficial implications of what true diversity would

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