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Effects/Experiments With Pyramid/Orgone Energy

The following information is partly from my experiments, and what I have read from The Pyramid
Energy Hand Book By Serge V. King, Ph.D, which is no longer in print. My personal experiments are
documented else-where. This information should be correct, as the book was very good about
keeping the facts straight. All of my experiments thus far remain consistent with the book's claims, so
it should be safe to say the rest is correct.

First of all here are some of the things a pyramid is suppose to do:
- Sharpen razor blades
- Restore the lustre to tarnished jewellery and coins
- Purify water
- Mummify and dehydrate meat, eggs and other food stuffs
- Help keep milk fresh and prevent souring without refrigeration
- Dehydrate flowers without losing their form or colour
- Increase the growth rate of plants
- Help attain increased relaxation
- Improves the taste of coffee, wine and certain fruit juices
- Promotes healing of cuts, bruises and burns, as well as reduces pain from toothaches and

There are several important things to keep in mind when experimenting with Pyramids. First, the
object you are treating should NOT exceed 5% of the pyramid's volume. Other-wise the energy is
spread to thin, and not much happens. The exception is when sitting or sleeping under a pyramid. For
this, a pyramid with a 6 ft base (or larger) works good.
Second, and this is really critical, the pyramid MUST be aligned to magnetic north to work! The energy
is very weak when it is out of alignment, so you want to get it aligned as good as possible. It will still
work if it is a little out.
Also if you are using it to boost your plant's growth you do need to be careful. Just as too much
fertilizer is bad for plants, too much orgone is too. Some plants don't mind it, but others can't take a
lot. If a plant is getting too much it will start to wilt. There are several ways to regulate the energy.
The best way to prevent over-dose on plants is to treat water with Pyramids and water them with the
pyramid water. You can't over dose them doing that. Humans can over-dose too. If you have been
under a pyramid too long you can start to get a head-ache, if you still stay it becomes nausea and
light headed. If you still refuse to leave, it will pass and one feels quite good. So there don't seem to
be any damaging effects (you fingers don't shrivel up!), but I wouldn't recommend staying under to
long if it causes discomfort.

Experiments with Pyramids

Water Alteration
Water is not "purified" under a pyramid, as the claims say, however it is chemically altered. Water is a
polar molecule. The hydrogen bond is what allows this change to occur. The orgone energy produced
by the pyramid polarizes, lines up, or somehow alters the hydrogen bond. This alters not only the
taste of the water but some of it's chemical properties as well. Water that is "charged" with
pyramid/orgone energy can pass on the energy to other things. Watering plants with pyramid water
will help them grow better. Some people drink pyramid water too. If you would like to made lots of
pyramid water to drink, put a gallon or less of water under a large frame pyramid (6ft base) and leave
it for a hour. Treating small amounts of water under a small or large pyramid, takes only 10 to 15

Sharpen razor blades

This sounds really strange, but it's true. A dull razor blade is impregnated with water molecules. Now
a pyramid creates a condition of microwave-dehydration (on non-living things), and removes the
water from the steel. The moon cycles can affect results, as the moon cycles affect earth's magnetic
field, and pyramid energy is related to magnetism (that's why you have to have the pyramid lined up
to magnetic north. The blade sharpens best when it is lined up east-west, and the pyramid north-
south. The razor is put under the pyramid after each use. A cheap razor that lasts 5 good shaves will
last 50 or more. I have heard reports of as high as 250 as well. With the lunar cycles affecting the
pyramid, sometimes one will get a poor shave one night. Don't end the experiment, it will pick up
again the next day. Now this is not a totally alien process, it just speeds up natural ones. If you leave
a razor for 2 months it will lose the water, and "sharpen" itself. The pyramid does this over night.
Pyramids will keep the blade sharp, but I think it takes a long time to sharpen a dull one. Try 2 weeks
and see it it helps. It's best to start with a fresh blade and maintain it. Using good quality razors and
pyramids together can help a razor last for many, many uses.

Restore the lustre to tarnished jewellery and coins

Pyramid energy will loosen tarnish off coins and jewellery. Leave the object under the pyramid for
several days first. Then the tarnish will rub off very easily. This is likely due to the microwave-
dehydration breaking the tarnish's hold loose.

Mummify and dehydrate meat, eggs and other food stuffs

This is a most interesting effect of pyramid energy, and is due to the microwave dehydration. Meat,
and other types of food will dry out quickly under a pyramid. For this type of experiment the samples
should be sealed, unless using a frame pyramid. Other-wise the pyramid creating a closed space will
affect results. The Egyptians had a very effective way of mummifying their dead, I believe this is how
they did it.

Help keep milk fresh and prevent souring without refrigeration

Milk will stay fresh longer under a pyramid without refrigeration. This is because the micro-organisms
that make the milk spoil cannot withstand the orgone energy, they don't like it.

Dehydrate flowers without losing their form or colour

The microwave-dehydration accelerates the drying process of the flowers faster than normal. I would
recommend using a large frame pyramid for this, as the enclosure of a solid pyramid might counter
act the effect. Also because of the 5% rule.

Increase the growth rate of plants

Orgone energy is good for plants, in moderation. Too much orgone can be harmful to some plants.
Some can take more than others. The best way to prevent over-dose in plants is to water them with
treated water. You can't over-dose hardly anything doing this. If a plant begins to wilt it has too much
orgone, and needs to be given less.

Help attain increased relaxation

Pyramid energy puts the mind into a alpha-theta state which is one of relaxation. Animals quiet down
under pyramids as well.

Improves the taste of coffee, wine and certain fruit juices

Pyramid energy alters the hydrogen bond in water. A general effect is a increase in the "smoothness"
of a drink. It takes the sharp "edge" of drinks like coffee. Works well with wine too.

Promotes healing of cuts, bruises and burns, as well as reduces pain from toothaches and
The title says it all. In general pyramid energy is good for multi-cellular organism. It is harmful to
micro-organisms, which is good for killing infections and what not. I have also read that you don't get
colds and the flu if sleeping under a pyramid.

Sleeping/Sitting Under a Pyramid

Sleeping under a small 8" base pyramid can have some small positive effects. Sleeping under a large
pyramid (6ft) has several benefits. First less sleep is needed. Also you will have vivid lucid dreams.
Because mirco-organism don't like orgone you should get sick less. Some people meditate under a
pyramid. Pyramid energy puts your mind into a theta-alpha state. This also what causes the lucid
dreams, and puts the mind in a creative mood when you are awake. I have heard that some people
study under a pyramid for this reason.

How to make a "standard" Cheops cardboard

- Cardboard (cereal boxes or or any other kind you can get)
- Masking tape
- Sharp utility knife
- Ruler
- Geometry set
- Compass


- Draw out the diagram shown below

onto the cardboard

- Cut out the triangle

- Do this 3 more times so you have 4
- Lay the triangles on a table, put the
edges together.
- Put tape on the edges of the triangles
- Pull it up into a pyramid
- Tape the outside edges
- Align the pyramid to magnetic north.
To do this take a compass and line it up to
north, then align one edge of the pyramid
parallel to the needle, so one of the faces
of the pyramid points north. This is
important the pyramid must be lined up to
- Tetrahedron Construction
- Cardboard (cereal boxes or or any other kind you can get)
- Masking tape
- Sharp utility knife
- Ruler
- Geometry set
- Compass


- Draw out 3 equilateral triangles

- Cut out the triangles
- Set the 3 on a table and tape the sides together
- Pull it up into a tetrahedron
- To align the tetrahedron to magnetic north, one of the faces must point north, so the one face
should be perpendicular to the compass needle pointing north.

Cone Construction
- Cardboard (cereal boxes, no corrugated cardboard)
- Masking tape
- Sharp utility knife
- Ruler
- Geometry set


- Draw a half circle as big as you can on the cardboard (and put a tab on the one side)
- Cut it out with scissors
- Pull it into a cone shape and tape the straight sides together, don't worry if it makes a bit of a tear
drop shape from the top view.
- The nice thing about cones is no alignment is needed as it is round. This cone is to the ratios of that
which is to be used in the 45GD device, and it produces orgone quite well. I find this interesting as it
shows that orgone may play a role in the Hamel technology.

Orgone Tube
This is a really simple orgone accumulator I designed. It's a
piece of cake to build.

- Empty Film Canister

- Cotton balls
- Steel wool
- Take a small piece of steel wool and put it in the bottom of the film canister
- Take a piece of cotton and put it on top (I ripped the cotton balls in half)
- Now you have one layer. Repeat until full. I got 4 layers in mine.
- Put the lid on
- To test it, fill two cups with 1/2" of water and set the tube beside one, so it is a close as possible.
Wait 15 minute. Compare taste of the two samples. Yep it's making orgone. This little sucker is what
Wilhelm Reich (he discover orgone) would call a orgone "shooter"

Large Cheops Frame Pyramid Construction

You can build a large pyramid out of plywood or other material. However a frame
pyramid works just as well and has much better ventilation, which you need if you
plan spending anytime under it. It's much cheaper and easier to build a frame one as


- 60ft of 1/2" or 3/4" pipe. You can use steel or PVC or what ever is cheapest. What you build the
pyramid out of doesn't really affect it, unless you build it out of copper. Copper is suppose to work a
bit better. Copper is also fairly expensive compared to PVC or steel.
- 30" of vinyl tubing, it needs to fit snugly over the pipe.
- Hack saw
- 5 nuts and bolts


- Cut the pipe into four 7ft lengths and four 6'7.5".
- Cut the vinyl tubing into 6" pieces
- Insert the 7ft pipe pieces into the vinyl sleeves, and form a square 7-by-7ft.
- Then make a hole in the middle of each of the sleeves in the square, and the same through the
remaining sleeves.
- Now put a bolt through the holes so you have a flexible 3 prong joint. Make one with 4 prongs.
Then put the remaining shorter pieces of pipe into the sleeves, and it should form a pyramid.
- Align the pyramid to magnetic north by lining one side up parallel to the compass needle pointing

All pyramids produce the same kind of energy. When treating something with a pyramid, the volume
of the object should not exceed 5% of the total volume of the pyramid. This an important thing to
consider when constructing a pyramid. For sitting or sleeping under, a 6' pyramid works well. I have
plans for a 7' by 7' one because it is the size I am building. It will produce plenty of orgone.

My Shape Power Experimental Results

Here I have documented the results of my experiments with pyramids and other shape power
experiments. This section is my personal verification of the claims made about shape power.

Water alteration
- I put a cup with 1/2" of water under my pyramid. After 15 minutes the water under the pyramid
tastes different. Cool. The grid does this very good as well.
- Other types of fluids/drinks are affected as well. For example lemon juice, and wine work good.
That is what I used at my mom's birthday. My uncle brought some wine, and we used it with the
pyramid grid for the experiment, and lemon juice was later tried as well. I had at least 10 people
confirm that the grid works. One of my older cousins tried his beer on it, and he said it tastes gross.
Which means little to me as beer, treated or untreated is gross :-)
- Two 3/8" cubed pieces of watermelon were sealed inside zip-lock bags, and the air pushed out. One
was set under the pyramid, the other beside it. After a day or two the control was discolored a little,
but that was all. The one under the pyramid was mushy and there was water in the bag. The water
had been forced right out of the watermelon. It was a very interesting experiment, and I plan to try it
again with raw meat and other things soon.
Milk Preservation
- Two film canisters were filled with 2% milk. They were sealed, and one was placed under the
pyramid, and the other beside it. After 2 days the control had spoiled (it smelled bad), and the one
under the pyramid did not smell. The bacteria don't like pyramid energy, and there grow is retarded in
the presence of the energy. (Note the milk under the pyramid did go bad a few days later, so it won't
last forever :-)
- I also tried this experiment with sour cream. We had some that was just about ready to go bad,
and I put equal amounts in film canisters, sealed them. One was under the pyramid, and the other
was not. After 2 days there was mold on the control, and none on the pyramid sample. Again the
mold's growth was retarded from the orgone present.
Effects on Sleep
I hung a small, "standard" cardboard pyramid over my bed, aligned to magnetic north. A small
pyramid hung up high acts like a capstone of larger invisible pyramid. Of course the amount of energy
is very weak (remember the 5% rule). Well the first night I really noticed it. I sleep very lightly, it was
kind of annoying being so restless. I figured I was going to be dog-tried the next day. I wasn't at all.
It was like I had slept normally. The next night I slept normally, once your body adjusts to the energy
you don't sleep poorly. The amount of energy is so small that I haven't had any other things happen.
My dreams do seem a bit more vivid now, but that is all. I played with putting the pyramid grid on the
inner walls of the pyramid, and hanging a quartz crystal at the apex. This increase the power a little.
Be careful combining crystals with pyramids. It can over-dose you big time with a large pyramid.
What I would like to do is build a 6' by 6' base frame pyramid and sleep under it. Sleeping under a
large pyramid is suppose to have several positive benefits.
Sharping Blades [Added 11-14-99]
Most people have a hard time believing this one. Too bad cause it works :-) I discovered that my
mom's pairing knife accidentally got put in the compost pile. I discovered it a week or two later. We
cleaned it up, but it was dull. My mom was unable to make it peel carrots well at all. So I stuck in
under one of my small cardboard pyramids. It was too big to align east-west, so I just angled it so it
would fit, and aligned the pyramid north-south. It was under there a month (and the blade wasn't in
the best spot) when my mom needed it. I got it out and she tried it out. It is now peeling spuds and
carrots great again. Go figure :-)
Master Pyramid Matrix Orgone Experiment

After learning about the MPM I wondered if it produced orgone energy. So I tried it. Much to my
amazment it worked! The energy is different than that of pyramid. More north pole like. Anyway I
don't know what other effects the MPM has on other things as I haven't done any further tests yet.
The signifance of this experiment is that the matrix which is used to derive the geometry for the
Hamel UFO is a orgone generator! My UFO engine and shape power research has collided! All the new
ideas about aether, and the machines that use aether are all inter-related. It's pretty neat I think :-)


- First you need to print the matrix,

- Get two identical clean cups and fill them with with water, no more than 1/2" (less than 3/8" is
better) deep, as the volume rule applies to the grid. Too much water = poor results. Clear disposable
plastic cups work great.
- Now put one cup on the matrix, and the other beside it.
- Allow the cups to stand for at least 15 minutes.
- Taste the two samples of water, don't just drink them all at once as you may want to try each a few
times. I don't recommend trying this right after eating as it is harder to tell.
- You will be able to notice the change in taste. This is from the orgone polarizing the water
molecules, as water is a polar molecule, and in having charge it can be chemically changed with no
chemical interactions. This experiment is like the magnetizing water experiment, only rather than
magnetism we are using orgone, made by a special picture.

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