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Operating Systems

1) Which of the following is true ........

a)We can view Operating System as a resource allocater

b)From the system point of view os is the program that is most intimate with
the hardware
c)It act as interface between user and computer h/w
d)All the above

2) Which of the following is true

a)Non multiprogramming increases the cpu utilization

b)Simple batch process system increases the cpu utilization
c)multiprogramming increases cpu utilization

3) Which of the Operating systems allows many users to share the

computer simultaneusly

a)Multiprogramming systems
b)Simple batch Systems
c)Time shared operating systems

4) Which of the following statement is true

a)Hard real time systems guarantees that a critical task be compleated on

b)RealTime Operating systems have well defined fixed time constrains
c)System that control scientific experiments is one of the example for real
time operating systems
d)all the above

5) The very first process created by the kernal that runs till the kernal
process is halts is

a) init
b) getty
c) stop
d) none of these

6) Software triggers an interrupt by

a)sending a signal through system bus

b)by executing a special operation called a systemcall
c)by sending an excepton
d)None of the above

7) Boot Strap program is stored in

a) RAM
b) ROM

8) Expand DMA

a) Data Memory Access

b) Direct Memory archieve
c) Direct Memory Access

9) Which of the following storage devices have high speed and are costly

a)Magnetis tapes
b)Magnetic Diska
c)Main Memory

10) which of the following is true

a)The speed of cache is high than that of Registers

b)The speed of cache is slower than that of mainmemory and faster than that
of Registers
c)The speed of optical disks are less than that of magnetic tapes
d)Optical disks are slower than magnetic disk and coster than that of
magnetic tapes
11) Registers,cache ,Mainmemory are

a)Non volatile devices

b)not constructed with semiconductor memory
c)Volatile Devices
d)none of the above

12) Which of the following storage device consits of hidden Magnetic

Hard Disk and Battery for backup power

a)Electric Disk
b)Electronic Disk
c)Optical Disk
d)Magnetic Tape

13) The program in execution is known as


14) A batchsystems executes cpu activites in terms of


15) The program counter in the Process Control Block indicates

a) The address of the next instruction to be fetched

b)The address of the instruction which is executing presently
c)The address of the intruction which is already executed
d)The address of the next instruction which to be executed

16) The process is reprasented in the operating system as

b)Process Controle Bit
c)Task controle Block

17) The state information of the process is generally stored in

a) Procees State
b)Program Counter
c)CPU Registers
d)List of open files

18) Which of the following indicates the state of processes

d)all the above

19) As process enter into the system they are put in

a)Ready Queue
b)Device Queue
c)Waiting Queue
d)Job Queue

20) Ready queue is generally stored inthe form of

a) Stack
d)Linked List

21) The processes waiting for a particular device are kept in

a)I/o queue
b)Device queue
c)Schedule Queue
d)Ready Queue

22) Which scheduler selects the process from the pool and loads them
into memory for execution
a)Short term scheduler
b)Long term scheduler
c)Middle Term Scheduler

23) The primary distinction between Long term scheduler and short
term scheduler is


24) Which of the following is true

a)Short term scheduler is also called as jobscheduler

b)Short term scheduler controlles degree of Multiprogramming
c)Short term schedulers must select a new process for the cpu frequently
d)Short term scheduler must executes much less frequently

25) If a processs spends more of time doing computation than I/o

requests than it is called as

a)I/o bound process

b)cpu bound Process
c)memory bound process

26) Which scheduler must select a good process mix of both input
bound and cpu bound

a)Middle term scheduler

b)Long term scheduler
c)Short term scheduler

27) The function of dispatcher is to

a)switch the processor from one process to another
b)save the previous state of process
c)allocate memory for the process

28) If all process have i/o bound then

a)Job queue will be empty

b)Device queue is empty
c)Ready queue will be full

29) what is a trap?

a)Hardware interrupt
b)S/w generated interrupt does not caused by error
c)S/w generated interrupt caused by error
d)interrupt recieved to cpu through system bus

30) How many types of scheduling queues are there


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