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As a Pisay student, one must be very busy with all the homeworks, projects, and tests he
needs to study and work on. He must reach the minimum grade of 2.5 and try his best to get
higher grades. That¶s not all. A Pisay student always aims to be a part of the Director¶s List
every quarter. It is very difficult for one to be a part of that list because one must be very
studious and diligent to maintain an average of 1.5 and above. It is possible to reach that grade.
Here are some ways I thought of, which could really help you in achieving your goal in being
part of the Director¶s List.

Study in advance. Studying in advance lessens the work you need to do in the days to
come. You will be able to do your homeworks with ease because you know that you have
finished reading the handouts given to you. You won¶t need to waste one whole evening
cramming all the homeworks. You would easily absorb and understand the topics in school
because you have studied and mastered them before.

Use your free time wisely. If you and your friends have nothing to do during your break,
go to the library. Read your novels and accomplish your assignments so that when you go home,
you could just rest. You could also advance study or plan for projects. Do not just waste your
time walking around and around the school when you have important things to do. Finish them
as soon as possible to remove some load from your day.

Consult your teacher. Ask help from your teacher when you do not understand the topics
that they have taught. Let them explain once more the problems that confuse you because it will
be of great help. Tell them to give you more examples which you could work on at home to serve
as a practice for you. Do not be scared of your teachers. They are always willing to help and
guide students in need.

I know that it will be hard to add these three ways or steps to your routine every day, but
once you have started doing this, your goal to becoming a part of the Director¶s List will just be a
few steps away. You just need to be very patient, persevering, and dedicated, and one day you
will make it to the top.

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