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Kangaroos and Kylie Minogue, Sunshine PROFILE
and Surfing, Koala Bears and Crocodile NICKNAMES: “OZ” or “The Lucky Country”
Dundee... Its capital is Canberra,
Those are Just six of Australia’s many Its population is 16.5 million
Stereotypes Australians speak English, but a very
special kind of English.

Arvo………………………………. Afternoom
Barbie……………………………. Barbecue Oz…………………………………. Australia
Beaut…………………………….. Great, Really Pom/pommie………………… an English
Good person
Bloke……………………………… a man Ripper……………………………. Good
Crook…………………………….. Unwel, ill She’ll be rigth…………………. It’ll be Ok
G’day……………………………… hello/short Shoot Through……………….. Leave
form ‘good day’ Tucker…………………………… Food
mozzie…………………………… mosquito Whinge………………………… Complain

Currency: The Australian Dollar Head of State: Queen Elizabeth II ( Australia

Area: 7.682.000 Square kilometres is a member of Commonwealth)
Political System: Parliamentary democracy. Head of Government: Prime Minister
Australia’s three main Political parties are
the labor Party, the liberal party and the Wildlife: Here’s a Guide to ten of the best
national party. Known Australian Birds and mammals

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