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Nowadays every person has been having problems with the family, like in the economy
because most of them worry about how to gain some money for food to the them, another is
job because now we can´t find a job essay, everybody suffer the chaos that the country is now
living because of the highest prices in food for example would be children’s can’t eat enough
have food, because their parents don’t have money. The problems are a lot but that´s not all.
The contamination, pollution, and bad used of money stop the progress of a country in this
case Ecuador. Talking about money that the government spends in guns and not for education
is one disadvantage people have democracy and food contamination are others.

The democracy is a problem right now because the candidates search votes, making promise
that maybe can not be realized, when a person go to vote dome people only think on vote in
the person that gave more. They don’t think in the people that offer more proposals that can
benefit us in education, health and food.

Food contamination is other disadvantage that a person had, try to not get a cancer with all
the contamination air that we breath all the day, the food that we eat that would have a high
percent of pesticides in them, a lot of people died with the cure in they hands unless people
discover a way to survive before death comes.

Talking about the advantages we have is the progress in technology (video telephones, laptop,
instant food, internet, and all that stuff) that help a lot us. That make our life more easy than
ever, not have problems to communicate with a person is great, people don’t have problems
only have see her in the webcam and that’s all, but is not far scientists would discover new
ways to communicate, transport, also have a food in a pill, like we seen in movies that talk
about this, humans like too discover more and more, at least they can.

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