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Asia Society's Graduation Portfolio System (GPS) English Language Arts Rubric Searing Dinan Ergag “beweeplig” =Profelonaloge Ready” Ravana > Peston on {Weise acleer |= sities conasion’ > Exabiees and nase s wuLTPLe Gotalcutral ise or |" poston ons feslonen a gbal cura! |” consncing poston ana Perspectives {home may ve undear | Ghooaitaturlissvecr | Sauwer nome atreiects | gobelciralisue or theme Fow eteciveydoesthe | orvaver thom hat tc Coherent anaais andere! | hat rats nuaeed ara ‘Stier undestand et | «Boos rat menin sere ana on ‘ing ‘dete! king anissuemaytevowed |" cherperpactves on | nkng + eknotedges and + Analyzes and makes fromavanoly of ‘rise + Recognizes muti |" disnsos mule ection among rule Parpectnes ardrefect |. Boost ackrowledgs |" penpecivesna aba | perpacivenon.gobalor | parsachvon ona gob! or ‘iron vos and Grercrecatwatvanes | Sra ase ‘rte ira ss contents? protenedinteds” |» Demonstatesa.genera | Demenstatesanclear | + Demonstrate tndorsanirg ot Urdrtandrgafaifrert |" understanding of tert Serer ctalvaues | cutralvaues nd vared | cal as athe Prosi ints word views procontdin | compen of worldviews ios peonetegin texts Seorg DneRTOR egg” Developing” PrakienlColegs Rey mavens 7 Fealion teviian, —] > Presenisa dear] > Develops dea postion |» Daves a consisant and REFLECTION AND coz a salforacion |" postontatlesdstoa |" sbautamuvaceted issue |" inflomad peaton abot a Aovocacr crresllin now few perspective that cals for action smulclcsted sve hl leads perspocive + Uresiangeage and [+ Usos language andmas- | Ioanew perspective and ets ow dvepy doos tne | « Usaalongunge and |" muttmede Spreserta |" meaato presen’ a dear {ereston unontrete an niser |" mea netecvey poston Postion nacacy + Uses tangoge and mt ‘caring chongod vows. | eainginen + Mortons ings or |» Dacusuasnewinaigtsand |" media to presenta dea, andattaes and how | efocued poston |" changed views hanged views rates | omgeling. and focused atteivdlydoestto "|. Docsretmenson | + Showa gener |» Demonstatos alae postion of sarecacy Studer develop ard irsigsorctonged |" undetnding st Undoing tht chicas | » Rel on now isi, aévceste postion oe | Mw. hoes and deceons | anddecisonsarerelalec to | chargosn personal vows or clon? + lderties choles and | Seretedto cura! | neormoreastne ofomng: | ates Aisne stdoos ot | andporsona vate | ctrl ost ard |» Damonetratas a eto! ‘eae them 0 vaues personal values ad contents |” understgcing ta cates ‘reontata fd dessins areal ot cat sect, on persona vale and conoce Cony Asia Society end Stanford ners School Redestn Netw wi Envision Schools RAFT ty 2010, p2 ¢ ( ( Asia Society's Graduation Portfolio System (GPS) English Language Arts Rubric ‘Scaring Dimension Emerging “Daveioping™ ProficnUCaTage Reaay™ + Summarizes, butdoes | + Summarizes ond + Analyzes and ovluaos the | « ‘ANALYSIS AND rotanalyas or evalite |" atarpisto aralyze or |” ideas and ergumertsin Ideas an arguments stots INauiRY ‘Goaserargumerts | vaso the ideas oF texts by examiing impleaton and + Single soures | Styumenisintexs”—|s Examines eractty of ‘bnsequences How efectvely does tho |" dominates inguiry | + Clas saveralsoucos |” seme aureus and + Examines erably ofa ‘dent examine 2 ‘wither sowces ony |” and summarzoe but courtly syehosies ‘ately of sources a compte, sgnneant mmantonee "°°" | a at yin fiomaton ‘Scursly ana sly feeve? + Matesiitle oro | information + Discusses author's style ‘Synbesize nforation felernce to authors |+ Mentions autho’s sie |” andretersodistncve use | Anaiyzes author's sive and | sylcruseatlanguage |" or use of language language ‘atincbve use of argusge + Relates works + Relates works 0 + States the works within | rolecive ota eutural vow personal experiance, personal experience fone or mare othe + Sitates texts thin one or Butmay not state land reer to ohor folowing: genres, cutura, |" more of the folowing: cura, wens wihin anyother | contexts INstoselcontxta andor | Rstrcalcortexta gone contents personal exporonce andor personal expenience fd decusses thir Significance ard relevance ‘Scaring Dimension "Energia ‘Developing’ | "ProfieienCotiege Ready “Ravanced™ + Contoling deathes |~ Contoling ealtnese —|> Eslablahes ard maintsne |= Develops «clear and ‘STRUCTURE AND, Is unclear or absent ‘ay be general or dear containg compatingcortrting ‘ORGANIZATION + Uses weak Inde state ‘Geathoae deafness that gues the Iroubstanta + Uses some arguments | » Uses clear and consist wing or presertation ‘How efectvely does the | arguments and and persuasne craties |” argumenisand persuasive | « Uses efecive and isightul ‘slogont gonze nd Srateges {fo support a poston ‘Stategios fora spoctic arguments and persuasive Siuctureisher ideas |. Thevwnting may be | + Tha wring onganized, | purpose and autlnce Strategies rectod toa spect when communtating Ssorgorized th utideae may not be | © The wing is organized Purpose end eucienco ‘them tothe reader? iceas underdeveloped | sufceniy developed or |" and suctred withideas | The wing is clearly organized rloccely sequenced | leglealy sequoncea aharenty developed end |" and stuctred, wih ioas fuly loaially sequenced feveloped and iogealy sequenced, presenting 9 oheront whole Copyright Asia Socoty and Starford University Schoo! Redesign Network with Envision Schools DRAFT, fy 2010,p 1 @Asia |e ‘Asia Society's Graduation Portfolio System (GPS) ‘ Fae Se aris English Language Arts Rubric Scaring Dimension Emerg “DavalopA™ ProfeienUCaloge Rey” "Ravan = Has an occumulaion |» Has some dsvacing |» 1s gonetaly nee ol + Sie af ecors in grammar, ‘commann oF Btewors ngranmar, |” ororein grammar, firing ores in sage, and mechanics Wanguace Usage andmechanics | usage, andmecnanics | grammar, usage, and + asaneffective, tuan se that distracts ‘+ Has conto ef syntax mechanics ‘arked by syactic vary, ow sktutydoas tho Interteres wits ‘andvocabulay/ anda |+ Demenstatesaclearsiye | anden engaging, comrcing Stugeot assure the reader | meaning teniatve vice wihsyracte variety anda | ice ‘ait canard af ‘+ Haslimted contol ot | + Uses seme digital tonfigent voice + fecivly and appropriately language engage the Syma ara vocabutery |” ‘gchnology sn 4 Usae sgt! ochnology dos gt lnohraogy, ‘reader wih hisher vice | ananiie orno vice | _eommuricaton tools SSrmuneaton pols araior | Sommuntaton oot aor and sve, and uso dita! | « Usesitieorna dgtal |+ Cites textual evidence, | netwerks Semores, Tecnnclogy and technology ormay nol |” butmay ste imccurtely |» Cioatextual evidence | + Sea totus evidence ‘communcaion tots? Use inappropriately accurately and olows Deeuraely and consistrty + Gites textual evidence research format ‘Glows essareh format taceurasly & incorrect Copyright Asia Society aed Stanford Unversity Schoo! Redesign Newark with Envision Schools DRAFT uly 2010, p3

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