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By Cameron Rutherford 2B

Q1) Why do you think the Government’s order to stop the felling of valuable
Cedar forests had little effect on European settlers? (2mks)

A1) I think it had little effect because due to the sawmillers having most control
over the forest areas meaning that there was nothing the government could do to
stop the other European settlers.

Q2) During the 1870s and 1880s what measures did the government take to help
limit logging in Australia? (2mks)

A2) They started to set aside areas of timber reserves and forest rangers were
employed to protect the area. By 1884, there was over 2 million of hectares
protected by the government.

Q3) Why did Australia consider it important to invest in locally grown softwood?

A3) I think Australia considered it important because it would reduce their

reliability on imported products.

Q4) In 2002 how much of Australia’s land area consisted of national parks?

A4) By 2002, 4% of Australia’s land was national parks.

Q5) When and where in NSW was Australia’s first national park established?
A5) In 1879, Australia’s first national park was created in the southern outskirts
of Sydney.

Q6) What influenced the growth of the National Parks network? (2mks)

A6) Campaigning by popular recreational groups influenced the growth of

natural parks to protect their areas of activity and to preserve the environment.

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