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“A MOTHER’S LOVE” (5/8/11)

SCRIPTURES: Luke 1: 26-33, 38, 46-56 & II Timothy 1: 3-12
KEY CONCEPTS: The love of mothers – in Biblical days & in the 21 st century – offers the
support needed to enable people to grow as God intended.
As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you; you shall be comforted in
Jerusalem. (Isaiah 66: 13)
Can a mother forget the baby at her breast & not have compassion on the child she
has borne? Though she (your mother) may forget (you), I will not forget you! See, I
have engraved you on the palms of my hands… (Isaiah 49: 15-16)
Happy Mother’s Day! Today we celebrate an ancient tradition of honoring our mothers.
Cultures around the world honor mothers in various forms throughout the year. Here in the
United States, we know that Mother’s Day – as we know it today – began in 1914, with a
Presidential proclamation, proclaiming the 2 nd Sunday of May to be the day set aside to honor
mothers. Since the annual proclamation honors mothers, some of the mothers who have lost
a child in war, use this weekend to protest against the wars that have stolen their children
from them. (Taken from:
As followers of Christ, we are commanded to honor our mothers (& fathers)…which is
sometimes hard in some of our families. However, we are not absolved from “being the
bigger person” in working toward honoring our parents while also being the person God has
called us to be. Our readings today offer us insights into how the lives of Jesus & Timothy
were positively impacted because of their mothers (& a grandmother). So, too, can our lives
be positively impacted AND we can positively impact the lives of children & young people –
as we love, nurture & mother them.
GOSPEL READING – LUKE 1: 26-33, 38, 46-56:
What kind of woman would one have to be in order to be the biological mother of Jesus?
Although Scripture isn’t specific in some of the details regarding Mary, there are some truths
that we can extrapolate…such as:
 She was highly favored by God; God was with her; she was a person of outstanding
moral & spiritual character
 Mary was submissive to God. And even though having the baby could potentially cost
her Joseph (or her life); she still said “yes”. She was a social outcast & probably had
no idea how she’d raise Jesus as a single mother.
 Mary was a woman of faith & was deeply spiritual. She sincerely worshipped God.
 Mary was humble. She spoke of her "humble state" (Luke 1:48). She realized that she
was a girl from Nazareth with no social status.
 Mary was thoughtful. She kept the words of the shepherds & pondered them in her
heart (Luke 2:19). Twelve years later in Jerusalem Jesus made a pointed statement
about His true Father that Mary kept also in her heart
(Taken from:

Somewhere, in each of our lives, there was/is a woman who dared to give us birth. Some of

our mothers may mirror the characteristics & qualities of Mary, the mother of Jesus. And
some of our mothers may not mirror the characteristics & qualities of Mary. However, I hope
– as adult children of not only our parents, but also the God who created us all – that we can
find a way to accept the best aspects of our mothers, while also freeing them from judgment.
For even Mary, the mother of Jesus was not perfect in her childrearing. Sometimes she
listened to her other children with regard to how absurd it was to support Jesus in his itinerate
preaching ministry. (Matthew 12:46-50)

In the life & interactions of Jesus’ human family, we can draw strength from the interplay of
Jesus & his mother; the realities of siblings & how during the hardest of times, Mary was
there for Jesus (during parts of his ministry & at his time of death). This mother’s love
allowed Jesus to do what he had been called to do – by his heavenly Father – to love,
minister & call humanity to a higher possibility. His mother’s love undergirded Him! And, for
many of us, our mother’s love has enabled us to mature & become who we needed to be on
God’s behalf! May we all give thanks & praise for our mothers – for making us who we are!
In addition to Mary, the mother of Jesus, we have a 2nd great example of not only a mother’s
love & influence, but also a grandmother’s love & influence on the life on Timothy. According
to today’s letter from Paul, Timothy’s faith is a direct result of Grandmother Lois’ faith &
Mother Eunice’s faith. What better gift can mothers & grandmothers offer their children &
grandchildren than a sincere faith in God – that leads to:
(1) A spirit of power;
(2) A spirit of love &
(3) A spirit of self-discipline
For some of us here this morning, maybe our relationship with our parents wasn’t that great.
Maybe we had (or still have) a strained relationship growing up…and yet, somehow, here we
are! And part of the reason is because of a grandparent – specifically a grandmother – who
may have been a bit like Lois, Timothy’s grandmother.
It’s been my experience as a minister – to see how stressful both Mother’s & Father’s Day
can be for our community - & so I submit to you that if you have a great relationship with
your parents, please be grateful & let them know how much you love them – TODAY!!!
If your relationship is strained with your parents (or particularly your mother) – please be
true to yourself AND give your best effort to “honor your parents” as followers of Christ.
Just do your best & trust the God will do God’s best in each of your lives.
If your mother has passed away, allow yourself space to acknowledge that loss & be with
your love & thoughts. Know, too, that you are not alone – for you have friends, other family &
a Mothering God.
And if your grandmother was/is your mother – give thanks – for God has blessed us beyond
measure with wise women who not only love us, but seek to show us more about the Divine
than we can imagine.
Remember – celebrate – live fully into…A Mother’s Love. Amen.

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