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Reunification of NUPSA

We believe that reconciliation between all members of NUPSA is in the best interest of the wider
Pakistani Student Community. Keeping the principles of fairness in mind, we are willing to collaborate
for the greater good and we invite Hussain Ali and his colleagues to join us. However, we will not
entertain the thought of dialogue based on disillusionment or misguidance which was the path
previously taken. We will not compromise on democratic and moral principles. Pakistan is going
through the biggest upheaval in its history with economic, social and political turmoil. In this turbulent
time, it becomes very important that the youth and young take an exemplary and leading role. Only a
strong and united NUPSA team would be able to fully embrace the challenges of this enormous task.
For this reason, we put our hands forward for the sake of a united Pakistan. We urge you to also
come forward and join hands with us for the sake of Pakistan - for her unity, for her peace and for
her prosperity. We have highlighted a roadmap towards reunification below:

If Mr. Hussain Ali genuinely believes that he and his associates are in the clear majority in the General
Council, then we believe that he has nothing to fear by taking part in this procedure as he can
outnumber any opposition parties but at least this procedure will allow for formation of a consensus
Constitution. As we have stressed before, we are not interested in any positions but we do believe
that any NUPSA Executive which gets elected should be in power according to the true principles of
democracy and that there should be accountability and transparency within the organisation.

NUPSA Executive 2011-12

National Union of Pakistani Students and Alumni

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