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Basic Salsa Step

The count is: 1 2 3 & 5 6 7 &

Man’s Step Count Lady’s Step

left foot steps forward 1 right foot steps back
replace weight on right foot 2 replace weight on left foot
left foot steps back 3 right foot steps forward
change weight to left foot & change weight to right foot
right foot steps back 5 left foot steps forward
replace weight on left foot 6 replace weight on right foot
right foot steps forward 7 left foot steps back
change weight to right foot & change weight to left foot


The Salsa Basic Movement consists of a combination of alternating forward

and backwards rock steps in Closed Position, to the count of "Quick-Quick
Slow, Quick-Quick Slow". For both man and lady, the right foot will break
back, and the left foot will break forward.

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