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In this lesson, we studied theories of second language

acquisition. It is complex, dynamic science. There is no recipe
for it. There is a parallelism between language and culture.
What we’ve acquired helps us to speak fluently in second
language and learners’ errors should be corrected as soon as
possible in order to prevent the formation of bad habits.
There are five hypothesis of Krashen in SLA. They are the
acquisition-learning hypothesis, the monitor hypothesis, the
natural order hypothesis, the input hypothesis, the affective
filter hypothesis.
I may use these hypothesis and claims in my teaching
period but I know that all theories don’t guarantee the success
and every practice can not be perfect while teaching. That’s
why, especially, while teaching how to pronounce the words; I
give special attention to the pronunciations of words. And
also, activity should be meaningful; it can be relevant with
students’ lives because it helps students to intake information
which they’re exposed to.

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