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In attention of language file translators!

1) Before You Start

IcoFX uses non-Unicode language files.
You need to configure Windows in such a way
that it supports the non-Unicode language files.
Please select the desired language at:
Control Panel -> Regional And Language Options ->
Advanced -> Language for non-Unicode Programs.
This will allow IcoFX to show the language files correctly.
!!! Before you start the translation make sure that
there it is not already translated. Use the
Options/Languages/Download languages..." nemu point. Here
you can see the already translated languages !!!

2) The Language File

The language file is nothing more than a standard INI file.
It contains sections and key-value pairs. For example
actnTools.Caption=Tools here the actnTools.Caption
is the key and Tools is the value.
You need to translate ONLY the values.
Usually each window of IcoFX has a separate section.
All the general texts are stored in the section MSG .

3) The General Section

Each language file starts with a General section.
IcoFX uses the Version key when downloading language files.
If it has a newer version the old one will be overwritten.
The Author and WebAddress keys are used to display information
about the translater in the Acknowledgements section of the
About box.
The following keys are defined in this section:
Version The version of the language file
IcoFXVersion The version of IcoFX
Author The name of the translator (You)
WebAddress Web page of the translator
Comment Additional comments of the translator

4) Finished Translating
The language file must be located in the Languages directory.
If a language file was successfully translated, then please send it to, so I can post it on the web page of IcoFX to be
available for other users.

5) Acknowledgments
The name included in the Author key and the web adress in the
"WebAddress" key of the General section will be automatically shown
in the Acknowledgements section of the About box if the language
file is selected. If you do not want your name and webaddress to appear
in the Acknowledgements section of the About box then leave these fields
Thank you!
Attila Kovrig

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