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[MAY, 2011]
[4,649 WORDS]

[As a follow up to the Season 2 Finale of The Vampire Diaries, I present to you a possible
alternate for episode #301 (Season 3, Episode 1). In this Episode: Elena, Damon and Alaric go
on a road trip searching for answers. Stephen struggles to pay his debt to Klaus. Jeremy
contemplates his sanity; and Sherriff Forbes struggles to cope with the reality that her daughter
is a vampire. Read what happens next as an unlikely string of events unfold, leading up to a
classic Vampire Diaries OMG moment.]

[Deadly Flashbacks]

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to just on a dark, rainy
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saw you!

MIRANDA: Elena, I just don’t think it’s a very good idea. We don’t know any of these
ELENA: You know Matt!
MIRANDA: Yes, we know Matt, but we don’t know anyone else.
GREYSON: Elena honey, we just can’t send you away to some cabin we’ve never been
to, with a bunch of boys we don’t know. It’s just not going to happen. I’m sorry.
ELENA: You guys never let me do what I want! You know what, I’m done, okay?! Let’s
just drop it, please.
MIRANDA: *sighs* If there was some type of parental supervision, and maybe if we
knew the kids you were going with, we’d consider it…but it just isn’t practical honey. It’s
something we just can’t let you do.
ELENA: Dad! Slow down!!!
[*The car looses control on the turn, and crashes into the ditch; rolling into the lake]

*Space allotted for theme song or show introduction

[Scene #2: Stephen confusingly wakes up in a concrete cellar surrounded by dead,

drained bodies]

KLAUS: Ah, you’re up. I brought you breakfast. She’s a cheerleader; I know how you like
those. Go on, eat up. I need you strong.


KLAUS: Very…but we might be gone for a while. I wanna make sure you get your fill.
Miller, bring me the other cheerleader.

MILLER: Yes Klaus.

KLAUS: This one’s even a brunette… I know you really like those.

[Scene #3: In Elena’s Kitchen, Bonnie and Elena are eating, talking, and giggling]

ELENA: Yeah, but c’mon where’s the fun in that!

** Alaric walks in

ALARIC: Hey have you guys seen Jeremy today?

BONNIE: No, why?

ALARIC: I know its only been a couple days,

ELENA: Two days! It’s only been two days!

ALARIC: I know, but he’s been acting kinda weird since the whole, “Sherriff Forbes killed
me!” shenanigans.

BONNIE: How so?

ELENA: He went through a lot. What do you expect? This is his second time dying...
never thought I’d hear myself say that, but he just needs time to cope. He’s had a lot of
heartache lately, and he’s lost several people he truly cared about.

ALARIC: *sigh* I don’t know, I hope you’re right Elena…

**Jeremy enters the house and walks to the kitchen

ALARIC: Hey Jeremy; where have you been.

JEREMY: Out. I just needed to clear my head a bit.

ELENA: Are you okay? You know, since everything that’s happened. I know it’s a lot to
take in, and it can be a lot for one person to handle.

ALARIC: and it’s okay to admit you’re struggling

BONNIE: ...and we’re here for you.

JEREMY: What is this? Some type of intervention? Thanks, but I’m fine.

**Jeremy goes upstairs

BONNIE: ...On that note, I have to go. I’ll see you tonight, Elena.


**Bonnie leaves

ELENA: We just have to let him know we’re here for him; you know, so he doesn’t revert
back to his old ways.

ALARIC: Yeah, I’m sure he’ll be fine. He’s been acting pretty strange, but he has gone
through a lot. I’m gonna head out too; I’ve got a few things to take care of. I’ll see ya

ELENA: Okay, bye.

**Alaric leaves, as Damon comes in

ALARIC: Damon, long time no see, what’s...

DAMON: I’m fine. Move along.

ALARIC: Okay then.

ELENA: Hey Damon. Sorry I haven’t come to check on you, it’s know... I’ve just
been dealing with a lot lately.

DAMON: Save the pity party.

ELENA: Good to see you too!

DAMON: I’m just looking for the Bennett witch, I heard she was here.

ELENA: She was. You just missed her.

DAMON: Do you know where she went?

ELENA: She didn’t say. You can try calling her.

DAMON: I did. I guess I have to go look for her. She’s gotta owe me a favor by now.

ELENA: Damon, about the other night, when we, when I…

DAMON: When you kissed me!

ELENA: …yeah. That wasn’t…

DAMON: I know Elena.

ELENA: I thought you were dying.

DAMON: I was; and you were there for me. I’ll remember that.

[Scene #4. Klaus and Stephen are shown riding in a car together; until it stops in front of
a mansion]

STEPHEN: What are we doing here?

KLAUS: You need to prove you’re loyalty, Stephen. I need to know I can trust you, don’t

STEPHEN: …and how exactly am I going to do that?

KLAUS: The man who lives here, his name is Thomas; he’s a very powerful, very
dangerous man… and he has something I want. You’re going to get it for me.

STEPHEN: Thomas… You know Thomas Peterson?

KLAUS: As do you?

STEPHEN: I know of him. He’s a very rich man. Who apparently loves the idea of
surrounding himself with security guards?

KLAUS: He’s a very dangerous man Stephen, and you shouldn’t doubt that for a second.
Believe it or not, you’re of more use to me alive than dead… but I will kill you if you get
in the way of what I want.

STEPHEN: and what do you want Klaus? What is this about?

KLAUS: I owe you no explanation. You will do as I tell you, or I will kill everyone you care
about. Your choice. You’ve watched me kill my own brother. What would I do to yours?

STEPHEN: What do I have to do?

KLAUS: You’re going to bring me Thomas’s eldest Son, Joshua.

STEPHEN: You want me to kidnap his son?

KLAUS: and here… use this to stake his youngest daughter.


KLAUS: I need to send a message. Just do as I’ve instructed you. You have limited time.

[Scene #5. At the mystic grill; matt waits tables, as he gets a sudden visit from Caroline]


MATT: ...Hey, Caroline. I’m kinda busy.

CAROLINE: Oh, I won’t get in your way. I just didn’t want to leave things how they were.
It doesn’t feel right. I want us to be friends, Matt. I really do.

MATT: I told you Caroline. I can’t do the…vampire thing. It’s too weird for me.

CAROLINE: I know, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be friends does it?

MATT: You know you’re a vampire right?

CAROLINE: I promise. No vampire talk. I just want us to be friends like we were.

MATT: I don’t know if I can do that Caroline.

CAROLINE: Just try! …Guess what...

MATT: ah…what?

CAROLINE: I know I said no vampire talk, but I talked to my mom, and she’s fine with
what I am. I mean, she’s still a little freaked out, but I think she’ll get over it.

MATT: That’s great Caroline. Really. But I have to get back to work.

CAROLINE: Oh. Well, okay. Call me.

**Caroline leaves the grill and Damon and Alaric walk in. They take their seats at the bar,
and begin talking; as Sheriff Forbes walks in and approaches Matt

MATT: Sheriff Forbes. You just missed Caroline.

SHERRIFF FORBES: I don’t want to see Caroline. That’s not why I’m here. I need you to
do something for me.

**Camera zooms out a focuses on Damon and Alaric

ALARIC: What was with the “cold shoulder” crap this morning?

DAMON: Don’t take it personally Ric. You would think the feeling would be mutual,
seeing as you’re a vampire hunter…and I’m a vampire… and not just a vampire, I’m the
vampire who killed you, turned your wife, and helped get your girlfriend killed.

ALARIC: I told you. I don’t blame you for that.

DAMON: Maybe you should Ric.

ALARIC: Let’s just focus on finding Stephen.

DAMON: I had Bonnie do a locating spell.

ALARIC: and?

**Damon pulls out his phone to call Elena

DAMON: Nothing. We’re gonna have to find Katherine. - Elena, get ready, we’re going on
a little field trip …To save Stephen Mrs. Paranoid. Just be ready in five minutes -

ALARIC: and how are we going to do that…find Katherine? She knows how to make
herself disappear.

DAMON: Maybe so…but I might be able to find one of her not-so deceased contacts

ALARIC: What does that even mean?

[Scene #6: The Salvadore Mansion in the 1840s. Shows Katherine, fixing her make-up…
as a friend (Elizabeth) does her hair]

KATHERINE: It’s good to have you around Elizabeth. I was forlorn without you.

ELIZEBETH: Katherine, I’m hopeless. You shouldn’t think so fondly of me.

KATHERINE: No one is hopeless. Especially you. You talked me through the most
miserable, confusing time of my life. As far as I know, you’re one of my very best friends.
No one knows the secrets you do.

**Damon and Stephen approach the doorway, and linger there

DAMON: Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. McIntyre; they’re ready for you.

STEPHEN: You look beautiful, Katherine.

KATHERINE: Thank you gentlemen.

**Damon and Stephen regretfully pull themselves away

ELIZEBETH: Why are they so found of you Katherine?

KATHERINE: I have a very delightful personality!

ELIZEBETH: No. It isn’t natural. Have you compelled them?

KATHERINE: Love for me isn’t compelled. They care for me. Is that so wrong?

ELIZEBETH: It is if their love is forced. Everyone should have the opportunity to choose
whom they will love. It isn’t right to force them.

KATHERINE: Speak for yourself Elizabeth. I’ve chosen to live a life surrounded by
people who care about me. Is it wrong for me to want this? I deserve love, don’t I?

ELIZEBETH: Of course you do Katherine! Just not this way. You deserve real, genuine
love. Not something that is forced and painful.

KATHERINE: Maybe this is exactly what I want. Someone who will love me, without
wanting anything in return.

ELIZEBETH: What a selfish claim!

KATHERINE: You mustn’t worry yourself with it, Elizabeth. You choose love the way you
want to choose love; and I’ll choose love the way I want to choose love.

[Scene #7: Damon, Elena, and Alaric are in a car together; driving]

DAMON: I smell a road trip!

ELENA: The last time I went on a road trip with you, it was involuntary, and I ended up
saving your life


ELENA: Where are we going?

DAMON: Not too far.

ELENA: Okay, then…how far are we going?

DAMON: Just sit back and enjoy the ride.

ELENA: I need to tell Jeremy where I’m at, and how long I’m gonna be. Will we at least
be back tonight?

DAMON: I don’t think so.

ELENA: Okay, then when?

DAMON: You know, you ask a lot of questions, why did you agree to come if you were
going to be such a worry-wart

ELENA: I’m doing this for Stephen.

DAMON: I don’t know when we’ll be back. Just tell Jeremy we should be back by
tomorrow evening, if not, we’ll call him. Problem solved.

ELENA: Was that so hard!

DAMON: Excruciatingly painful

*Elena’s calls Jeremy

ELENA: -Hey Jere, I just want to let you know, I’m out with Alaric and Damon. We’re
driving somewhere…I don’t even know where we’re going. Anyways, we should be back
late tomorrow evening. Just call me when you get this -

ALARIC: I’m still worried about him…and how’s he’s been acting. I hope he’s not using
again. He’s got a lot on his plate.

ELENA: He wouldn’t do that…

ALARIC: He’s done it before Elena. He’ll do it again.

ELENA: Well I trust him.

ALARIC: It’s not about trust Elena. It’s about how much pressure he’s under. He needs a
way to alleviate that pressure.

[Scene #8: Jeremy lies on his bed, starring at the ceiling and checking his phone

FRIEND (PHONE MESSAGE): - *sniffles* Hey Jeremy, its Chris. Ah, you look pretty
stressed lately, and kinda distant. I saw you blow off your girlfriend at the mall today….
It’s not like you, man. Just hit me up, if you need something to take the edge off -

ELENA (PHONE MESSAGE): -Hey Jere, I just want to let you know, I’m out with Alaric
and Damon. We’re driving somewhere…I don’t even know where we’re going. Anyways,
we should be back late tomorrow evening. Just call me when you get this -

VICKY: You know you wanna tell ém

JEREMY: Stop talking to me! You’re dead, you’re not really here. I must be going crazy…

ANNA: You’re not crazy Jeremy! Not understand the things you don’t understand doesn’t
make you crazy. It makes you normal.

JEREMY: This is ridiculous. I can’t be that crazy guy who talks to dead people… It’s
stress! That’s it! They aren’t really here. I’m just imaging it. I just need to sleep it off. I’ll
be fine

[Scene #9: Damon, Elena and Alaric approach the porch of a house and ring the

ELIZEBETH (BETH): Hel… Damon...Katherine!! You guys are still together and here, at
my house! Oh My G...


BETH: Just some old friends. I’m gonna take a walk with them, okay? Will you watch the

ELIZEBETH’S HUSBAND: Just hurry back.

DAMON: Thought Vampires couldn’t have kids.

BETH: They can’t! But they can have foster children. I’m defiantly a supermom… but Oh
My Gosh, that’s not important right now. What are you guys doing here! Katherine, I
haven’t seen you in a hundred years...literally!

ELENA: Ah, I’m not Katherine. I’m her Doppelganger, Elena.

BETH: Oh…You’re Elena! I’ve heard some good things about you. You seem really nice.

ELENA: Thank you Beth. You seem really nice too.

DAMON: Um, as much as I hate to break up the “happy sunshine band”, we’re actually
here for a reason.

BETH: Oh. Sorry, of course you are! Go on…

DAMON: Stephen’s kinda voluntarily missing, and he

BETH: Voluntarily missing?

ALARIC: Yes, but he’s in danger and we need to find him and I’m Alaric, by the way…

BETH: Oh! I’m so sorry, I totally space out… Nice to me you Alaric!

ALARIC: You too… you’re just so dang… perky!

BETH: Yeah, I decided I wasn’t gonna let life beat me up anymore… So, how can I help

DAMON: We need to find Katherine.

BETH: I wish I could help, but don’t know where she’s at.

DAMON: I know… but she’s going to come here looking for your help.

BETH: My help with what?

ALARIC: She’s running from Klaus, again, and she’ll need a place to stay. Somewhere
with an owner who will invite her in. She has to ditch the foreclosures, because everyone
knows that’s what she does. Her options would have been you or Isobel, but Isobel took
care of that when she killed herself.

BETH: Isobel killed herself!

DAMON: She took her ring off in the sunlight, setting herself on fire, blah, blah, blah. But
anyways, we’re going to need you to keep an eye out for Katherine. I know she’s coming
here sometime today,

BETH: How do you know that?

DAMON: I have a source. When she comes, we’re going to need to interrogate her. We
won’t hurt her, I promise. We just need some information.

BETH: I don’t know. Katherine’s my friend. I can’t set her up

DAMON: Then blame me for it. It’s either, set up Katherine, or let Stephen die. The
blood will be on your hands

BETH: Fine, I’ll do it. You can stay in my guestroom until then.

DAMON: No. She’ll know we’re here.

BETH: Okay. Well, I’ll call you if she contacts me. I promise.

[Scene #10: Stephen is creeping around in a mansion. Feeding off of, and snapping the
necks of security guards, as he creeps upstairs to Thomas’s daughter’s room]

**Stephen’s target, Liza (15) is laying on her bed listening to music, as he creeps up
behind her

LIZA: *singing: you can never say never, while we don’t know when…but time and time
again, younger now, then we were before. Don’t let me go, don’t let me go, don’t let me
goo…Whoa! Who are you and what are you doing?

STEPHEN: Honestly, I was sent here to kill you.

LIZA: What! Why would you say something like that!

STEPHEN: Because it’s true. I’m so sorry for this, please forgive me.

**Stephen stakes her, and she bleeds to death

STEPHEN: What are you doing!!

TEENAGE GIRL: You just killed my sister!! What the hell!

STEPHEN: I had to.

TEENAGE GIRL: You had to! What kind of sick monster are you!

STEPHEN: Come here. You will not remember this, and you’ll forget that I was ever here
…now run!

JOSHUA: What the hell man! Stop! Let go of me!

STEPHEN: Don’t fight and I won’t have to hurt you

**Stephen sedates Joshua and puts him into the backseat of Klaus’s SUV

KLAUS: You’ve done good Stephen.

STEPHEN: I can’t continue to kill innocent people

KLAUS: These people are anything but innocent

[Scene #11: Damon, Elena and Alaric watch TV in their Hotel room, awaiting a call from

ELENA: How come this is the first time I’ve heard about this Beth character?

DAMON: There’s a lot we don’t tell you Elena

ELENA: Like what?

DAMON: Like the things you don’t know, the things you don’t need to know and the
things you can’t understand.

ELENA: Yeah, well there’s a lot I don’t tell you either.

DAMON: Like what?

ELENA: Like… that I really miss Jenna. I wish it could have been me, instead of her. It’s
all my fault, if I wasn’t in her life, she’d still be alive

ALARIC: Elena, you can’t blame yourself for that. There’s nothing you could have done.
All you can do now is make her proud. We can’t live in the past, but I promise you, she’s
with you everyday.

*Phone rings

ALARIC: Damon, it’s Beth

DAMON: Hey, you find “running beauty”?

BETH: She called me. She wouldn’t say much over the phone, but you were right. She’s
coming over; tonight. You can come set up if you want.

DAMON: You’ve done good Beth.

BETH: I’ve betrayed my friend. I’ve done nothing good here.

DAMON: We’ll make her think we forced you into it…rest easy, you’re precious
reputation with the undead stands unharmed.

ELENA: I just texted Bonnie. She’ll be here any minute.

DAMON: Alright. Time to put on our big boy underwear, and superman capes.

[Scene #12: Sherriff Forbes and Matt sit in her van and talk]

MATT: I can’t believe you’re doing this. You’re setting up your own daughter.

SHERRIFF FORBES: Wouldn’t you do the same.

MATT: I don’t think I can help you with this. It isn’t right. Caroline may be a vampire, but
she’s my friend. She’s always been there for me, and I can’t help you do this.

SHERRIFF FORBES: I won’t force you to betray her; I just need you to help me keep her
suspension down. She knows I don’t trust her, so I need to get her to a level where she’ll
put her guard down. I don’t know what she’s capable of.

MATT: Okay, so you’re gonna trick your daughter into trusting you, and then you’ll kill
her? Man, I really should nominate you for the “mother of the year” award.

SHERRIFF FORBES: Don’t judge me Matt. This has been a very hard decision for me to
make. I just found out that my daughter is the very thing I’ve been hunting for years.

MATT: Then, you shouldn’t kill her. You should just learn to embrace her.

SHERRIFF FORBES: …and this is coming from you? You told her you wanted nothing to
do with her, or anything related to vampires. Some friend.

[Scene# 13: Elena, Bonnie, Alaric, and Damon are in Beth’s living room, awaiting
Katherine’s arrival]

BONNIE: Where’s your husband?

BETH: He took the kids to a cousin’s house for a weekend long “slumber party”. They
think its fun, so it’s all good.

BONNIE: Cool. You guys ready for this?

ELENA: It’s not like this is the first time we’ve captured Katherine it shouldn’t be a

BETH: and you guys won’t hurt her, right?

DAMON: Not fatally. I mean, we don’t plan to kill her yet.

ALARIC: No, we won’t hurt her.

BETH: Wait! I think I hear her.

ELENA: Go answer the door, we’ll stay quiet.

*Doorbell rings

BETH: Katherine!

KATHERINE: Elizabeth. It’s been a while.

BETH: It has! How are you doing?

KATHERINE: I’d be doing a whole lot better if you’d invite me in

BETH: Oh, of course, of course! C’mon in!

KATHERINE: Thank you.

DAMON: Hello Katherine

KATHERINE: Damon. I should have known. Alaric, he brought you along too. Okay.

ELENA: Don’t forget me Katherine. I’m here too.

KATHERINE: Oh of course. Damon wouldn’t go anywhere without his precious Elena.

DAMON: Oh my gosh, what the hell is going on here…

KATHERINE: Save it Beth. It was nice seeing you all, but I don’t plan on doing it again,
anytime soon

**Katherine attempts to make a run for it, but is stopped from doing so; because Bonnie
cast a spell to trap her in the house

BONNIE: Oh, that’s my fault.

KATHERINE: You brought the witch along. What do you want Damon?

DAMON: I need to know where Klaus is.

KATHERINE: I don’t know where he is

ALARIC: If anyone does, it’s you.

DAMON: Katherine, you know me. You’re going to give us the information we want, or it
won’t end well for you

KATHERINE: Damon! What the hell!! I don’t know where he is

BETH: You said you wouldn’t hurt her…

DAMON: Take a wild guess.

KATHERINE: What’s in it for me?

DAMON: You live. You know, it’d be terrible if someone accidently leaked to Klaus that
you’re trapped in this house. Seeing as he wants you dead in all.

KATHERINE: You don’t even know where he’s at.

DAMON: I may not know where he’s at, but getting a message to him is no problem…
or, I could just torture you. Both are equally fun for me.

**Damon stabs Katherine

BETH: Hey!

DAMON: There’s plenty more where that came from.

KATHERINE: Did you do a locating spell?

DAMON: Would we have come to you if we hadn’t?

KATHERINE: I may have a way to lure him in, but it’ll take some planning

ELENA: You mean like us, working with you, to kill him?

KATHERINE: We’ll have to wait for the next full moon

ALARIC: That’s not for weeks…

KATHERINE: Do you have a better plan? You wanna save Stephen, and kill Klaus don’t

BETH: I think I know what you’re thinking!

DAMON: You better not be lying Katherine.

KATHERINE: Wait, aren’t you going to undo the spell?

DAMON: Why would we do that? This way we can keep tabs on you

KATHERINE: You can’t leave me here Damon.

DAMON: Watch me.


[Scene #14: Stephen, Klaus and a few other background characters walk into an
abandoned concrete-block, building, with a heavily enforced interior]

KLAUS: Miller,

MILLER: Yes Klaus.

KLAUS: Get the kid, lock him up

MILLER: Yes Klaus.

KLAUS: You were in and out pretty quickly Stephen. I just hope you did everything
according to plan.

STEPHEN: I was in, took the boy, and was out

KLAUS: and you staked the sister?

STEPHEN: Yes. I don’t understand why though. I could have just broken her neck. Would
have been cleaner.

KLAUS: You can’t just break a vampire’s neck Stephen. It won’t kill them. I would have
thought you had learned this by now.

STEPHEN: She wasn’t a vampire.

KLAUS: Yes she was. Why do you think I wanted you to kill her? Why do you think I told
you to stake her?

STEPHEN: She wasn’t a vampire I can tell you that much. She was about 15, a blonde
haired, blued eyed, teenage girl. She bled to death

KLAUS: Oh my gosh. You killed the wrong freak’n girl

STEPHEN: Since when do you care about killing, or accidentally killing, innocent

KLAUS: I could care less about the dead girl. It’s the undead I’m worried about. I told
you. This Thomas guy is the real deal. This is not good Stephen. You better watch your
back, because if he doesn’t kill you, I will.

**Klaus storms out of the room

STEPHEN: What’s so special about this Thomas guy anyways?

MILLER: Did anyone see you, in the house? Did anyone see you kill her?

STEPHEN: Yeah. There was another girl, but I compelled her to forget.

MILLER: Everyone in their house is on vervain. Compelling them won’t do you any good.
It was probably the real Liza, that you quote, unquote “compelled”. You probably killed
her sister

STEPHEN: What are they gonna do?

MILLER: They’re gonna come after you Stephen…and they won’t stop until you, and
everyone you know, is dead. Not even Klaus can get you out of this one.

STEPHEN: …but Klaus is an original, isn’t he stronger than any other vampire.

MILLER: He’d like you to believe so, but even Klaus has a big boss. I don’t know how
you’re gonna get out of this one Stephen.

[Scene #15: Damon is dropping Elena off. Talking to her as he walks her to the porch]

ELENA: I really hope we find him Damon.

DAMON: Stephen knows how to take care of himself.

ELENA: Oh my gosh!

DAMON: What!

** Elena runs over and hugs the girl who is sitting on her front porch

DAMON: I take it; she’s a friend of yours, by all the high pitch squealing.

ELENA: Look at you! You look so good. Meredith, this is Damon, my boyfriend’s older

MEREDITH: Hi, I’m Meredith. I’m an old friend of Elena’s

DAMON: Good for you. Elena, I’m gonna head out. You good here?

ELENA: Yeah, I’m great! Meredith, what are you doing here!

DAMON: Okay then.

**Damon leaves

MEREDITH: I’m only in town for a week or two. A friend of mine decided to move to
Mystic Falls so I came along to help her move, and so I could come surprise you.

ELENA: This is an amazing surprise! Wait until Jeremy sees you!

MEREDITH: How’s everyone? How are Jeremy, and Matt, and your parents? Tell me

ELENA: Everyone’s doing well. Matt and I broke up though,

MEREDITH: Really? I liked him.

ELENA: We’re still friends, but I have a new boyfriend now; who’s amazing

MEREDITH: Can’t wait to meet him…

ELENA: Jeremy’s good, he’s been acting a little depressed lately, but I think it’s just
because he’s been going through a lot.

MEREDITH: Yeah, that happens.

ELENA: But, my parents, passed away.

MEREDITH: Oh my gosh, I am so sorry.

ELENA: No, its okay. It’s been a while. They died in a car accident… We were never
even able to retrieve their bodies. We had to have a closed casket funeral. Which was
pretty hard.

MEREDITH: Oh that’s so sad. I loved your parents; they were always so sweet to me. Do
you miss them?

ELENA: Everyday.

MEREDITH: When did this happen?

ELENA: May 23, 2009

MEREDITH: No. No, that’s not true.

ELENA: What do you mean? I know when my parents died.

MEREDITH: I saw them, like…six months ago. A week before my 18th birthday.

ELENA: No, that’s not possible. They died two years ago.

MEREDITH: I saw them, Elena. I talked with them. You’re parents; they’re alive Elena.

[Fade to Black]


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