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Giving a Great Groom's Speech

If you are the lucky groom, you need to remember that one of the most
important days of your life will involve you needing to face the fear of public
speaking. As if declaring your intentions to be one with one person aren't
enough, you need to be able to stand up and speak to the entire wedding
party. The truth is, this is a lot easier than you think, and even if you're
sweating and nervous about the idea of public speaking, you'll realize that
you can still deliver a terrific speech if you just keep a few things in mind.
First, remember that it doesn't have to be long. As a matter of fact, you'll find
that the shorter you keep it, the more memorable it will be. Keep it under five
minutes, and if you're really worried, you don't have to go over one or two
minutes. Remember that these are the people you love and care about; they
are not expecting you to be hilariously funny. They want to listen to you and
are happy to hear whatever you have to say.
One tip that you can think about when it comes to presentation is that you
should avoid reading it off a notecard; this is a boring way to give a speech
and it does absolutely nothing to engage the people who are listening to it. A
few keywords to remind you of the key points is great, just don't print the
whole speech off on the card and read from it, never looking up. Ideally,
you'll have it memorized and be able to deliver it in your sleep.
When you are writing the speech, remember that you will want to thank your
guests for coming and your hosts for helping out. The groom's speech should
recognize anyone who was instrumental in helping the wedding occur, and
also anyone who was supportive of your newly-formalized relationship.
Keep the list short, but this is a great way to let the people who helped you
know how much you appreciated it.
You will also want to say a few words about your new significant other. Tell
everyone how much she means to you, and how much your life has changed
since meeting this very special person. Talk a little bit about the goals the two
of you have together and what you hope the future brings. This is a great
way to let your friends and family know exactly what your marriage is all
about and what they are helping you celebrate.
Many people are concerned about how to end the speech; after all, a good
conclusion is as necessary as good opening. For the groom's speech, you have
an easy out: just propose a toast! Whether it's to your new partner in life,
your parents, the bride's parents or someone who has been important to your
relationship, this is an excellent way to end.
The groom's speech is one of the highlights of the wedding reception, and you
might have mixed feelings about it. Remember that this speech is fairly
straightforward, and that by taking a look at just a few guidelines, you'll be
able to get out of it unscathed and entertain your friends and family as well.

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