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Section I. GENERAL

1. scope Barrel and slide group

a. This manual is published for the in- Receiver group
formation and guidance of personnel re- Cartridge magazine
sponsible for direct and general support Troubleshooting
maintenance of the caliber .45 automatic Trigger pull test
pistol M1911Al. It contains information Trigger pull correction
on maintenance which is beyond the scope Hand function test.
of tools, equipment, or supplies normally (2) Revises information on:
available to using organizations. Special tools and equipment
b. This manual contains a description Improvised tools
of and procedures for disassembly, in- Direct and general support main-
spection, repair and assembly of the cal- tenance.
iber .45 automatic pistol M1911Al. The (3) Deletes specific maintenance in-
appendix contains a list of current refer- structions for caliber .45 automatic
ences, including supply manuals, technical pistol M1911.
manuals and other available publications
applicable to the materiel. The mainte- 2. Direct and General Support
nance allocation charts are contained in Maintenance Allocation
TM 9-1005-211-12P/2. TM 9-1005-211- The publication of instructions for com-
35P contains a list of repair parts and plete disassembly is not to be construed
special tools. as authority for the performance by direct
c. TM 9-1005-211-12P/2 contains alist- and general support maintenance units of
ing of operator and organizational main- those functions which are restricted to
tenance repair parts and special tools. depots and arsenals. In general, the pre-
d. Lubricating instructions for the ma- scribed maintenance responsibilities will
teriel are contained in paragraph 23 of be reflected in the maintenance allocation
this manual. chart in TM 9-1005-211-12P/2. Supply of
e. The direct reporting of errors, omis- parts listed in the depot guide column of
sions and recommendations for improving TM 9-1005-211-35P will bemadetodirect
this equipment manual by the individual and general support maintenance only when
user, is authorized and encouraged. DA the emergency nature of the maintenance
Form 2028 will be used for reporting these to be performed has been certified by a
improvements. This form may be com-
responsible officer of the requisitioning
pleted using pencil, pen or typewriter. DA organization.
Form 2028 will be completed by the indi-
vidual using the manual and forwarded 3. Forms, Records, and Reports
direct to:
Commanding General a. General. R e s p o n s i b i l i t y f o r t h e
Headquarters proper execution of forms, records. and
U. S. Army Weapons Command reports rests upon the officers of all units
ATTN: AMSWE-SMM-P maintaining this equipment. However, the
Rock Island Arsenal value of accurate records must be fully
Rook Island, fllinois 61202 appreciated by all persons responsible for
f. This manual differs from TM 9- their compilation, maintenance, and use.
2951-1 dated 19 July 1957 as follows: Records, reports and authorized forms are
(1) Adds pertinent information on: normally utilized to indicate the type,
quantity and condition of materiel to be (2) Ammunition. Whenever an accident
inspected, repaired or used in repair. or malfunction involving the use of
Properly executed forms convey author- ammunition occurs, firing of the lot
ization and serve as records for repair which malfunctions will immedi-
or replacement of materiel in the hands of ately be discontinued. In addition
troops. to any applicable reports required
b. Authorized Forms. The forms gen- in (1) above, details of the accident
erally applicable to units maintaining this or malfunction will be reported as
materiel are listed in the appendix. For a prescribed in AR 700-1300-E.
listing of these forms, refer to DA Pam
310-2. For instructions on use of these d. Report of Unsatisfactory Equipment
forms, refer to TM 38-750.
or Materials. Any deficiencies detected in
c. Field Reports of Accidents. the equipment covered herein which occur
under the circumstances indicated in AR
(1) Ijmy to personnel or damage to 750-5 should be reported immediately in
materiel. The reports necessary accordance with applicable instructions
to comply with requirements of the in cited regulations.
Army safety program are pre-
scribed in detail in AR 385-40. e. Equipment Improvement Recommen-
These reports are required when- dations. Deficiencies detected in the equip-
ever accidents involving injury to ment or materials should be reported.
personnel or damage to materiel using the Equipment Improvement Rec-
occur. ommendation section of DA Form 2407.


4. Description
a. The caliber -45 automatic pistol, the field will be maintainedusing M1911Al
M1911Al (figs. 1 and 2) is a recoil-oper- repair parts.
ated, magazine-fed, self-loading hand d. For convenience of maintenance and
weapon. It contains an inertia-type firing replacement of repair parts., the M1911Al
pm that makes it impossible for the firing pistol is i&&led into groups and compo-
pin to discharge or touch the primer, ex- nents as indicated in figure 3.
cept on receiving the impact of the ham-
mer. The action ofthe recoil springforces 5. Tabulated Data
the slide forward, feeding a live cartridge
from the magazine into the chamber. The a. Weights.
weapon is now ready to fire again. Weight of pistol with
b. The pistol is designed to fire caliber magazine (empty) . . . . 2.437 lb
.45 cartridge ball ammunition and the Weight of loaded mag-
magazine holds seven cartridges. The azine with 7 rounds
upper cartridge is stripped from the mag- (approximate). . . . . . . 0.481 lb
azine and forced into the chamber by the Weight of empty
forward motion of the slide. The pistol magazine. . . . . . . . . . 0.156 lb
will fire once at each squeeze of the trig- b. Trigger Pull.
ger and when the last cartridge, in the Pistols, new or repaired 5 to 6-l/2 lb
magazine, has beenfired the slide remains c. Barrels.
open. The rate of fire is limited only by Diameter of bore. . . . . . 0.45 in.
the ability of the operator to insert the Number of grooves . . . . 6
magazine and to squeeze the trigger. Length of barrel . . . . . . 5.03 in.
C. The Ml911 pistols still available in Length of rifling . . . . . . (min.) 4.118 in.

Rifling, L.H. one tkm in 16 in. e. BaIlis tics.
Depth of grooves . . . . . . 0.003 in. Chamber pressure
d. Pistol, General. (maximum) . . . . . . . . 17,000 psi
Length (overall) . . . . . . 8-5/8 in. Muzzle velocity
Cooling system . . , . . . . air ( m a x i m u m ) . . . . . . . .830 fps
Height of front sight above Maximum range . . . . . .1500 meters
axis of bore . . . . . . . . 0.5597 in. Maximum effective
Sight radius . . . . . . . . . 6.481 in. range . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 meters


Figure 1. Caliber .&5 oulomatic p i s t o l M1911Al - rigfit f r o n t v i e w .




ORD F6608

Figure 3. Caliber .~6automolic pistol M19llAl _ exploded view.


6. General
Tools and equipment and maintenance Itern
parts over and above those available to the
using organization are supplied to direct
and general support maintenance units for M1916. hip@lack).
maintaining and repairing the materiel.
7, Mointenonce Ports M,, shoulder
Maintenance parts are listed in TM 9-
1005-211-35P. which is the authority for ROD, CLEANING,
requisitioning replacements. cal. .45, M4.

8. Common Tools and Equipment

Standard and commonly used tools and
equipment having general application to
this materiel are authorized for issue by
tables of allowances and tables of organ- 10. Improvised Tools
ization and equipment. The list of improvised tools in table 2
applies only topersonnelperformingdirect
9. Special Tools and Equipment
and general support maintenance on the
Special tools and equipment (table 1) and pistol. Illustrations giving dimensioned
tool sets or hits are listed in and author- details are included to enable personnel
ized for issue in TM 9-1005-211-35P. to fabricate the tools if desired. The chief
This tabulation contains only those special value of these tools is for maintenance
tools and equipment necessary toperform personnel engaged in repairing a large
the operations described in this technical number of weapons. The following data is
manual, is included for information only, for information only.
and is not to be used as abasis for requi- T a b l e 2. lmprouised Took
Ta6k I. Special Tools and Equipment

BRUSH, CLEANING, 5504036 4 19b Toclean

SMALL ARMS: MS barrel 316 To stake busbina in
bore. bore and
cQ.lllber. TOOL. staking
FIXTURE, MEAS- 7274758 5,36 400 To check plunger tube.
PULL: pull.
Figure 4. Special tools and equipment.

Figure 6. Trigger puZ2 measuring fixture 7.974768.

Figure 6. Hip and shoulder holsters.

RA PD 91773

Figure 7. Improvised fizLwe for riveting front sight (1 of 2).

ONE-WDmu XL. F I N / HDN RxKt’56


(FOR 51(1HT Al3197-7) (FOR 510HT 230)

II* PD 91773 R

Figure g. imp-ouised tool for staking bushing.

RA PO 91777
Figure 10. Improvised tool /or slaking plunger tube.


Section I. GENERAL

11. scope
of the proper procedures for requi-
This chapter provides specific instruc- sitioning supplies and equipment
tions for the inspection by maintenance and follow-up thereon.
personnel of materiel in the hands of (2) Command maintenance. Command
troops in the field, in .Ordnance shops, maintenance inspections will be
and in alerted units scheduled for oversea performed. at least,, annually. The
duty. Troubleshooting information is in- purpose of the inspection is to
corporated wherever applicable as a nor- ascertain the serviceability of
mal phase of inspection. equipment, to predict maintenance
and supply requirements. and to
12. Purpose of Inspection determine the adequacy of facilities
Inspections are made for the purpose of
and effectiveness of procedures.
(1) determining the condition of an item as Information obtained during the in-
to serviceability, (2) recognizing condi- spection should indicate future re-
tions that would cause failure, (3) assuring quirements for depot maintenance
proper application of maintenance policies and for replacement. as well as
at prescribed levels, and (4) determining disclose immediate needs for
the ability of a unit to accomplish its maintenance and application of
maintenance and supply missions. modification work orders. During
inspection, correction of deficien-
13. Categories of Inspection cies will be made on the spot when
practical. For additional informa-
In general, three categories of inspec- tion relative to these inspections
tion are performed by direct and general and the forms to be used therewith,
support maintenance personnel. refer to AFI 750-E.
a. Inspection ofMateriel in the Hands of b. Ordnance Shop Znspection.
Troops. (1) Initial inspection. This is an in-
(1) Spot check inspection. This is an spection of materiel received in
inspection performed on apercent- Ordnance shops for the purpose of
age of materiel in order to ascer- determining the degree of repair
tain the adequacy and effectiveness and parts requirement. This in-
of organizational maintenance and cludes determination of modifica-
supply. Included within this scope tion work orders to be applied.
is inspection of equipment to detect (2) In-process inspection. This isper-
incipient failures before un- formed in the process of repairing
serviceability occurs; inspection to the materiel, to insure that all
ascertain the availability and use parts conform to the prescribed
of technical and supply manuals and repair standards. that the work-
lubrication orders; inspection to manship is in accordance with ap-
determine the accuracy of records, proved methods and procedures,
authorized levels of equipment and and that deficiencies not disclosed
supplies, practice of supply econ- by the initial inspection are found
omy. preservation and safekeeping and corrected.
o f tools. availability of repair (3) Final inspection. This is an ac-
parts and supplies. and knowledge ceptance inspection performed by
a final inspector after repair has oversea duty to insure that such materiel
been completed, to insure that the will not become unserviceable or worn out
materiel is acceptable for return in a relatively short time. It prescribes
to user or storage. a higher percentage of remaining usable
c. Preembarkation hspection of Mate- life in serviceable mate r i e 1 to meet a
riel io Units Alerted for Oversea Move- specific need beyond minimum service-
ment. This~ inspection is conducted on ability.
materiel in alerted units scheduled for


14. General
are disclosed, the deficiencies wffl
Wamfng: Before starting sn inspection, be corrected on the spot or advice
be sure to clear the weapon. Do not actuate
the trigger until the weapon has been given as to corrective measures
when applicable, or, if necessary,
cleared. Inspect the chamber to insure
the materiel will be tagged for
that it ie empty and check to see that no
ammunition is in position tobe introduced. delivery to. and repair by Ordnance
Avoid having live ammunition inthe viom- maintenance personnel.
ity of work area. (2) Determine causes of mechanical
and functional difficulties that
a. Check to see that the weaponhas been troops may be experiencing and
cleaned of all corrosion preventive com- check for apparent results of lack
pound, grease, excessive oil, dirt. or for- of knowledge. misinformation, ne-
eign matter which might interfere with glect, improper handling and stor-
proper functioning or obscure the true age. security, and preservation.
condition of the parts. gee that all authorized modifica-
b. Make an overall inspection of the (3)
tions have been applied. that no
weapon for general appearance, condition. unauthorized alterations have been
operation, and manual functioning. Use made, and that no work beyond the
dummy cartridges. authorized scope of the unit is being
attempted. Check the index in DA
15. Inspection of Materiel in the
Hands of Troops Pam 310-4 and the current MWO
files for any MWO’s printed after
a. General. Refer to AR 750-8 for re- this publication.
sponsibilities and fundamental duties of (4) Instruct the using personnel in
inspecting personnel, the necessary notice p r op e r preventive-maintenance
and preparations to be made. forms to be procedures where found inade-
used, and general procedures and methods quate.
to be followed by inspectors. Materiel to (5) Check on completeness of the or-
be inspected includes organizational spare ganizational maintenance allow-
parts and equipment and the stocks of ances and procedures for obtaining
cleaning and preserving materials. In the replenishmenta.
course of this inspection, the inspector (‘3) Check serial number stamped on
will accomplish the following: weapon for legibility.
(1) Determine serviceability, i.e., the (7) Note general appearance. Check
degree of serviceability, complete- exterior of materiel for missing
ness, and readiness for immediate or broken parts.
use, with special i.eference to safe (3) Check storage conditions of general
and proper functioning of the mate- supplies and ammunition.
riel. If the materiel is found un- (9) Initiate a thorough report on mate-
serviceable or incipient failures riel on “deadline”, with reasons

therefore, for further appropriate back the hammer until the sear
action. engages the half-cock position
(10) Report to the responsible officer notch. Then squeeze the trigger.
any carelessness, negligence, un- If the hammer falls, the hammer
authorized modification, or tam- or sear must be replaced or re-
pering. This report should be ac- paired. Draw the hammer back
oompaniedbyrecommendationsfor nearly to full cock position. do not
correcting the unsatisfactory con- squeeze trigger, andthenlet thumb
dition. slip off ha~mme r. The hammer
h. SpeCific. The specific groups and as- should fall only to the half-cock
semblies to be inspected for serviceability notch. Replace hammer when it
are listed in TB ORD 587 and also are ap- falls uast the half-cock position.
plicable to preembarkation inspection. (4) Disconnector test.
c. Safety Tests. Perform the following (a) With the pistol unloaded, cock
safety tests as indicated in (1) through (4) the hammer. Push the slide group
below. l/4-inch to the rear (fig. 15) and
(1) Safety test (fig. 11). With the pis- hold in that position while squees-
tol unloaded, cock the hammer and ing trigger. Let slide group go
press the safety upward into the
safe (locked) position. Grasp the
grip so the grip safety is depressed
and squeeze the trigger tightly
three or four times. Ifthe hammer
falls. the safety must be replaced.
(2) Grip safety test (fig. 12). With the
pistol unloaded, cock the hammer
and without depressing the grip
safety point the pistol downward
and squeeze the trigger three or
four times. If the hammer falls
because the grip safety is de- NOT DEPRESSED
pressed by its own weight, the grip
safety may be oorreotedby replac-
ing sear spring.
(3) Half-cock position (fig. F i g u r e 1% Grip safety lest.
14). With the pistolunloaded, draw

Figure 13. Half-cock position test (1 of 8).

If it does not fall, check thesear
spring for weakness. Also check
for a faulty disconnector which
would prevent hammer from fall-
ing. The disconnector shouldpre-
vent the release of the hammer
unless the slide group is in for,-
wardposition, safely interlocked.
This also prevents the firing of
more than one shot at each
squeeze of trigger.

16. Ordnance Shop Inspections

a. Initial Inspecfion. Inspection proce-
dures outlined in paragraphs 14 and 15
forward, maintainingpressure on apply also to initial shop inspection. If
trigger. If the hammer falls, the materiel received in shops is not tagged
disconnector is worn and must be to indicate the nature of the repair, steps
replaced. should be taken to determine the cause of
Pull the slide group rearward unserviceability and the estimate of parts
until slide stop is engaged (fig. required.
15). Squeeze trigger and release b. Troubleshoofing. Table 3 lists mal-
slide group simultaneously. The functions, probable causes, andcorrective
hammer should not fall. If it actions. For troubleshooting within the
does, replace the disconnector. scope of operator and organizational main-
IC) Release the pressure on the trig- tenance, refer to pertinent operator’s and
ger and then squeeze it. The organizational maintenance manuals, cov-
hammer should thenfall (fig. 15). ering materiel contained herein.
Table 3. Troubleshooting

FAILURE TO FEED. Dirty or dented magazine -- Clean magazine if dirty. Replace maga-
The top cartridge in the magazine ia zinc if dented. (para. 25. fig. 16):
not properly positioned. Weak or broken magazine Replace magazine. (para. 25, fig. 16).
Worn or broken magazine Replace magazine catch. (para. 370,
catch. fig. 30).
Improper assembly, maga- Assemble spring correctly. (para. 27).
zine spring backwards.
Bent magazine follower---- Replace magazine. (para. 25. fig. 16).
FAILURE TO CHAMBER. ,Obstruction or dirty cham- Clean chamber. (para. 19b).
Weak recoil spring ------ Replace recoil spring. (para. 32 f, fig.
FAILURE TO LOCK. Lack of lubrication of Apply oil to parte, lightly. (para, 23b).
The barrel locking ribs do not inter- operating pala.
lock with the locking recesses in the Burred or dirty barrel lock. Stone rough edges, clean barrel locking
slide. ing ribs or locking re- ribs. (para. 324.
Weak recoil spring ------- Replace recoil spring. (pan. 32f. fig.
Broken barrel link------ Replace link. (pan. 32d. fig. 19).
FAILURE TO FIRE. Broken firing pin --------- Replace firing pin. (para. 32e. fig. 20).
The hammer falls but the primer of Bent or broken hammer Replace strut. (para. 31e, fig. 27).
the cartridge ia not ignited. strut.

Table 9. Troubleshooting - Continued

We* mrdnspring - - - - - - - - R e p l a c e m a i n s p r i n g . (psrn. 37x, fig.

FAILURE TO UNLOCK. Broken barrel link-------- Replace barrel link. (para. 32d, fig.
The barrel locking ribs do not disen- 20).
gage from the recesses In the slide. B r o k e , , p i n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Replaoe p i n . (para. 32d, f i g . 2 0 ) .
Broke,, barrel link lugs---- Replace barrel. (para. 32b, fig. 20).
FAILURE TO EXTRACT. Broken or worn extractor-- Replace extractor. (para. 32& fig. 20).
The cartridge case is not removed Birty or pitted chamber --- Clean chamber if pitting in chamber ia
from the chamber. excessive. Replace barrel. (para.
32b, fig. 20).
FAILURE TO EJECT. Faulty extractor, does not Replace extractor. (para. Szg, fig. 23).
The cartridge case is not ejected position the cartridge case
from the pistol. for ejection.
Broke,, ejector ----------- Replace ejector. (pars. 37b. fig: 32).
FAILURE TO COCK. Worn cock notch--------- Replace hammer. (para. 3ld, fig. 23).
Worn Beap _____-________ Replace sear. (par& 37f, fig. 30).
D e f e c t i v e sear spring ----- Replace spring. (pars. 37g. fig. 29).
Worn or broken discon- Replace disconnector. (pars. 31h. fig.
w3ctor. 30).
MISCELLANEOUS. Worn cock notch---------- Replace hammer. (para. 3ld, fig. 29).
Two shots or more fired in succeB-
8ion by one truer squeeze.
“ammer jumpe out or falls to cock. Hammer and sear pin Aseembly hammer and sear pin
assembled from wrong correctly. (para. 33, figs. 23 and
side of receiver. 291.

c. In-Process lr~spection. Detailed in- d. Final Inspection. Detailed instruc-

structions for in-process inspection of the Cons for final inspection of materiel in
materiel are contained in the repair direct and general support maintenance
chapter together with applicable repair shops are contained in chapter 6.









Figure 16. Disconnector test.


17. General c. Use af Tools

(1) Care must be exercised to use tools
This chapter provides the neoessaryin- that fit and are suitable for the task
structions on the general maintenance to be performed in order to avoid
procedures to follow. The followingmeth- unnecessary mutilation of parts
ods and procedures given in this chapter and/or damage to tools.
are to be carefully observed during repair (2) Special tools are listed in table 1
operations. This chapter includes the dis- and are provided for the mainte-
assembly and assembly procedures, re- nance of the materiel. These tools
placement of parts, use of tools, cleaning, will be used only for the purpose
finished surfaces, removal of burs. and for which they are intended.
tnstructions on lubrication. (3) Keep tools clean and work with
clean parts. Normal rules of good
13. General Repair Methods housekeeping must be observed.
a. Disassembly and Assembly Proce 19. Cleaning
(1) In disassembling a unit, remove a. As assemblies are removed and dis-
the major subassemblies and as- assembled, component items should be
semblies whenever possible. Sub- placed in a wire basket and cleaned thor-
assemblies may be disassembled, oughly of all grease, oil, water and dirt,
as necessary, into individual parts. using dry cleaning solvent (SD). Dry
(2) During assembly. subassemblies thoroughly with clean wiping cloths and
should be assembled first, then oil lightly using general purpose lubricat-
installed to form a complete unit. ing oil (PL special).
Lubricate all component parts b. Clean the barrel bore, chamber, and
lightly before assembling. all parts that come in contact withpowder
(3) Complete disassembly of a unit is residues, using solvent cleaning compound
not always necessary in order to (PD 126). Cleaning rod IvI4, 5564102 (fig.
make a required repair or re- 4) and small arms cleaning brush M5.
placement. Good judgment should 5504036 (fig. 4) are used to clean the
be exercised to keep disassembly barrel bore. Saturate brush with PD 126
and assembly operations to amin- and run through barrel. Remove brush,
imum. clean the rod, insert two swabs in slot of
b. Replacement of Parts. rod and dry the bore thoroughly or until
0) When assembling a unit, replace swabs appear clean after running through
all pins when necessary. Replace bore. Then use one swab saturated with
grip screws or bushings when PL special to oil inside of bore lightly and
damaged. all exterior surfaces to prevent corrosion
(2) All springs will be replaced if they or rust.
are broken. bent, cracked or if they c. On those component parts whichcon-
fail to function properly. tain a hard carbon residue, it maybe nec-
(3) If a required new part is not avail- essary to clean these parts with carbon
able, a reconditioned used part removing compound (P-C-111A). Cleaning
may be substituted. Such recondi- instructions are as’ follows:
tioned used parts will be examined Warning: Avoid skin contact. The com-
carefully to determine their serv- pound should be washed off thoroughly with
iceability. running water if it comes tn contact with

the skin. A good lanolin base cream, after cracks in the shin, and in the case of some
exposure to compound, is helpful. The use individuals, a mild irritation or inflamma-
of gloves and protective equtpment is tion. Use only in well-ventilated places.
recommended. b. The use of diesel fuel oil. gasoline or
(1) Using a suitable container, fill with benzene (benzol) for cleaning the weapon
fresh compound. is prohibited.
(2) Before soaking components remove c. Store solvent cleaning compound (PD
loose grease; dirt and oil from 126) in a warm place, if practical. Do not
parts as indicated inparagraph 19a. dilute or add antifreeze.
Immerse parts, containing carbon Note: Sandblasting is permissible on nonworking
residue, in container. , surfaces for removal of dirt and rust.

(3) Allow barrel to soak for 2 hours

or until all traces of carbon have
21. Finished Surfaces
been removed.
(4) Rinse with water, kerosene, or a. All treated surfaces will be refinished
solvent. To effectively remove car- to match the appearance of new parts.
bon, brush with a stiff bristle b. For detailed information on finished
brush under running water. surfaces, refer to TM 9-1861.
(5) Wipe the parts dry and oil.
Note: P-C-IIIA is considered a supplement for
use in direct end general support meintenenoe levels 22. Removal of Burs, Screwheods
only in extreme cases and not as a substitute for
P D 126.
and Working Surfaces
d. Clean receiver, using dry cleaning a. During the entire life of the pistol,
solvent (SD). polishing and stoning are necessary to re-
e. On components that contain an ac- lieve friction and to remove burs caused
cumulation of light rust, use a clean cloth by usage. Burs on screwheads and like
moistened with PD 126. If this does not surfaces should be removed with a fine
suffice, use crocus cloth. Make certain it file or stone. Burs on such working sur-
does not scratch or alter the finished sur- faces as the receiver sliding rails, re-
faces. Remove all dirt and abrasives; oil ceiver housing areas and bearings should
surfaces before assembling parts. be removed with a file or stone and polished
f. New material and component parts, with crocus cloth.
received from storage for immediate use. Cautmn: Care will be exercised to stone
may have heavy accumulations of grease. or file evenly and lightly and not remove
Place material or components in wire more metal than absolutely necessary to
basket and lower in vapor degreasing vat maintaincorrect contours. Critical dimen-
or wash in dry cleaning solvent (SD). Dry sions of parts or assemblies must not be
thoroughly as indicated in paragraph 19a altered in any way that would affect the
and oil. Lubricate as specified in para- functioning or interchangeability of parts.
graph 23b.
g. For cleaning instructions of Ordnance b. Roughspotscausedbyscores, galling,
materiel. refer to TM 9-208-l. gouges and rust pits will be smoothed to
enable all parts to operate normally. The
finish of the repaired component will be
20. General Precautions in Cleaning approximately that of the original finish.
a. Dry cleaning solvent (SD) is flam-
mable and should not be used near an open
23. Lubrication
flame. Fire extinguishers shouldbe readily
available when using these materials. In a. Make certain all metal parts are
addition, they evaporate quickly and have cleaned and dried thoroughly in accord-
a drying effect on the skin. When used ance with instructions contained in para-
without rubber gloves, they may cause graph 19.

b. All metal parts will, be lubricated by lubricate sliding surfaces to reduce fric-
applying a light coat of general purpose tion and assure free movement.
lubricating oil (PL special). As a part of c. Lubrication and preservation mate-
all assembly and installation operations, rials are listed in TM 9-1005-211-12P/2.


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