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G R O W I N G T A L L E R W I T H_


By: Arman DeArtemi

Every effort has been made to keep the contents of this short report as up-to-date and accurate as possible. The
information following is intended for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be treated as a
substitute for professional medical or sports advice. Please do not continue if you are (or think you are) suffering from
high blood pressure, are pregnant, or otherwise suffer from uncorrected physical and mental conditions. It is your
responsibility to consult with a competent doctor or physician before you proceed with implementing what is outlined
in the following pages. Neither the author nor the forums and website through which this has been sold will be held
responsible for any damages caused through the use or misuse of the information. By obtaining your copy of this
report, you agree to take sole ownership of any and all outcomes of implementing its teachings.

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you got this report from. May you always get an ‘A’ for Integrity and, yes, an upright Attitude.

My Dear Reader,

With the boring bits out of the way (the lawyers made me do it, I swear!) I
will start by thanking you for investing in this report, and reassuring you that
your wise decision will translate into a life-altering ride through the pages
that follow.

I will share with you how I managed to gain an inch and a half – going from
5’8” to 5’9.5” (not counting the extra height you gain after waking up; this is
height measured after spending a full day subjected to Mother Earth’s loving
pull) in the course of nearly two short months!

I have intentionally kept this in “report” format, and as short a report as

possible. This is so you could finish reading it off within an hour, and
getting off this document with JUST the know-how you need to implement
it straight away.
There will be no “table of contents” or other fillers that give other garden
variety “ebooks” about height-gain perceived value to cover information that
could otherwise be condensed in a page or two.

With that said, I will have to ask those among you who are already versed
(or even experienced) in self-hypnosis and psionics to bear with me as I go
over these two practices briefly for the benefit of folks who are new to them.

This is so I am fair to as diverse a range of readers as possible and, at any

rate, it is also a presentation of my own understanding of these two practices.
You might either find that it is a refreshing take of what you already know,
or better yet, that it gives you an entirely new perspective, especially in the
“how-to” aspect of carrying out a psionic operation.

(Coming to think of it, if you have had experience with psionics/radionics,

how would YOU use them to bring about height increase or ANY physical
change in yourself? Keep your answer to yourself, and then compare it with
my own “blueprint” as you finish reading this report).

Alright, let’s dive right into this. The first hurdle we need to tackle when it
comes to height increase, or indeed anything pertaining to physical change,
is the issue of…

Genetic Fatalism!

Notice I did not say “Genetic Limit”. There is a huge difference.

There are three readily-observable phenomena that I want you to take

into consideration, just so know what I mean. At the outside, it might
appear there is little that the observations that follow might have in common
together, or have to with height gain, but bear with me for a few more
paragraphs and I will show-case how profoundly they do, and demonstrate
their relevance to myth that our genes are the sole dictators of our physical
characteristics (and our current height). This is absolutely vital, as we need
to approach our height gaining from a place of unshakeable belief and
absolute confidence.
First: Let us consider what has come to be
called the “etheric field” (of which the
densest part closest to our body is what we
observe in Kirlian Photography)
encompassing our bodies. This is no
longer dismissible as New Age “nutjar-
talk”. This is readily demonstrable and
numerous phenomena (including those
“orchestrated” ones prevalent in the area
of the psychic, otherwise known as “action
at a distance”) are associated with it.

One phenomenon is what has been

repeatedly observed of patients who
receive donor organs (and in some cases
even blood). Said recipients of donor
organs start acquiring the tastes – the likes
and the dislikes – of those donors while
they were alive and infact in many cases
dream up the people and situations privy to
the memory of those donors.

Another example is of people who have their legs amputated or blown off in
setting far less friendly even than the operation room (mine fields, for

Where those poor victims should not be feeling anything (they got no more
limbs to feel anything with) they still feel acute pain or – if they are
fortunate – very itchy sensations where their legs should be (and I am talking
about the entire length of the calf and the shin, down to the foot, despite the
leg being blown off at the knee or even higher).

It is commonly understood that the Etheric Body is slower to be affected

than the physical body it densifies into – note my exact choice of words here
– and so will still interact with the physical brain for a good while after the
physical part corresponding with it is gone.

This is what causes blood to continue being pumped around the body of a
patient for a while even after the heart is removed (to serve yet another
example) to be replaced by a donor’s heart.
What is also understood of the Etheric Body is that it stores information
about the individual’s physio-psychological makeup. It is the repository of
psychic information, in other words. Your tendencies, your likes, your
dislikes, your habits… all are stored here. This is what eventually finds
expression in your face and your palms; these areas in particular tell a lot
about you individually and this is the basis of “predictions” based on your
habits and tendencies as related by palmistry (palm reading) and face-

Of notable relevance to this is that legitimate adepts at palmistry, face-

reading (and so on) will be quick to inform you that nothing is set in stone,
and that the lines on your palms or face will change if you intently change
aspects of your personality.

World renowned Personal Development guru Peter Ragnar of ( Look, his Etheric Field went beyond his physical body
and imprinted itself on his website! Okay, bad joke…) makes a very
interesting observation in one of his newsletters, in which he posits that a
change in personality – essentially a change in your psychic make-up – will
reflect in the symmetry, bone structure and shape/size of your face.

Second: Now that we’re done with a brief introduction to the Etheric Field,
let us tarry on to something more tangible: The physical body.

Hah! “Tangible” he says.

Consider this question: What is the human body made up of? Atoms, right?
Well, what is the make up of an atom? What comes to mind is a nucleus – a
central mass – made of up protons (and sometimes neutrons) orbited by a
belt of electrons. But what is overlooked is the fact that…

An Atom Is
Empty Space!

By definition, there is far more to this seemingly hopelessly solid and

genetically doomed to concreteness mess of a body we occupy in this
lifetime than meets the eye! Numbers like how much we weight for our
height then become purely arbitrary based on a set of standardized beliefs
that we are expected to adhere to in order to feel “normal”. You are, after all,
empty space for the most part.

Yeah yeah, some people refer to the empty space as “Plasma”, but for all
intents and purposes that is no different than the air they wave their hand
through dismissing the notion of “empty space”. The joke is on them, and
the illusory nature of this world (including the physical) is established yet
again, just as the ancients observed for millennia.

Having established that the pockets of psychic matter (also called “thought
forms”) residing within our Etheric fields have a direct effect on our
physical make-up, and having also arrived at the inescapable fact that we are
essentially mostly made up of electro-magnetically charged empty space (or
“plasma”) given the make-up of the atoms we are composed of, we arrive at
this question: Can we affect our physical shape with our thoughts alone?
Moreover, can we charge certain “thoughts” about ourselves and our make-
up with such persistence that they eventually manifest in our physical make-
up permanently?

And here is where I will take you to the third point:

I will illustrate this point with a story. A true personal story.

Realize that all that you’ve read so far is not the result of some “wake-up
call” I had about the power of thoughts over physical matter upon reading up
a bunch of books. The call actually came to me after a very personal
experience I had at a park.

I will never forget it.

I had just finished a 3-mile run early one morning and, while stopping for a
while near a large gum tree to stretch, I took notice of a man appearing to be
in his thirties (I later found out he was 55) doing what I recognized to be a
T’aiji form.

I did not want to interrupt him, but luckily for me, he finished early, and
started walking towards me. He smiled and politely introduced himself, and
wanted to know the times the shopping complexes nearby closed.
He confirmed he was new in the area, having just moved to suburb with his

I answered his questions, went through further trivialities about the area in
general. We began hitting it off quite nicely, exchanged some humorous
repartee, and when I sensed that he eased up to my company sufficiently, I
went for the kill…

“So how do you feel Chi?” I asked.

“Well, you will have to be fairly practiced in meditation and Qigong in

order to actually feel the current of Chi moving through your body. But you
can feel the effects early on.” He answered.


“Yeah… I can show you some drills if you got the time!” He said with a
huge smile. His enthusiasm was contagious, and I had to oblige his
generosity (besides, I was eager to learn).

Now, while what follows is a transcript of our conversation, it is actually

meant to be the outline of an exercise I similarly want YOU to follow as
well. Trust me, you will be amazed.

He had me sit down cross-legged (I later learned sitting in lotus brings about
even more noticeable results).

“Okay, now bring the palms of your hands in contact with one another and
compare them. Very carefully, and from every angle. Reckon they are of the
same size?”

I nodded. “Yup.”

“Good; now, place your palms comfortably on your thighs or your knees.
Doesn’t matter. Close your eyes and totally relax your body, keeping your
back as straight as possible. Sitting on your tailbone and keeping your
perineum raised above the ground is important. You don’t want stunted
circulation there.

(Here I interjected with a question about sitting, to which he responded…)

“Yeah, you can do this seated on a chair if you find that more comfortable.
You simply sit at the edge of the chair. What we are doing is we are closing
the energy pathways of your body in a ‘loop’.

Now curl your tongue backwards to have the tip touch the soft part of the
upper palate of your mouth.”

I was beginning to feel a little awkward, not so much because of the

mechanics of the drill (I had meditated before) but due to not knowing what
to expect, which only added to the shock that followed…

“Okay, now bring all your attention – all your awareness – on your navel
area. Two to three inches below it. Feel the warmth of it. Feel the
circulation going on within that area if you can. Point is, concentrate there
and nowhere else.

Try to feel the fabric of your shirt getting in touch with that area to make
things easier.

Got it? Good. What you’ve done is you have actually started accumulating
energy there. Now, with the same ‘intent’ you used to concentrate on that
area, feel the energy move down to your groin, and with an inhale, feel it
being sucked up your spine, and reaching the crown of your head… don’t
worry, you needn’t feel it accurately. Just feel an ‘approximation’ of it.

Now, exhale, and with it, feel the energy move down to your forehead, down
to the bridge of your nose… through your tongue and down to your upper
chest. This is the first half of your exhale. As you proceed with finishing off
what remains of your exhale, picture this energy moving through your right
arm, and into your right hand.

Feel it gathering there. Feel your right hand expanding. Repeat the whole
process of sucking energy up the body, and pumping it into your right hand.
Feel your fingers expanding… one segment right after the other. Feel the
mounds of your palm getting bigger, your knuckles gaining more density…
visualize your hand getting heavier and gaining about an inch in all
“We’re nearly done! Feel energy from the other hand course through the
left arm, up the rotator cuff, across your upper chest, reaching the other arm
and finding its way into your right hand, adding more to its size! Suck the
life-force, the light, the blood, the FLESH if you can, if your left hand like
this into your right hand.

Do this ten times. Ten cycles. Done?” (I nodded) “Good! Now open your
eyes and compare your hands again!”

I could not believe what I was just seeing. My right hand was VERY
noticeably bigger than my left. Had someone taken a picture of the two
palms pressing against one another, I would have thought the hands
belonged to a girl on the left, and her mechanic boyfriend on the right.

Okay, well not THAT dramatic a difference, but dramatic enough


“How the hell?...”

“Our thoughts influence our bodies you as you can see. And there is this
neat Confucian saying that goes ‘Where attention goes, Chi follows, and
where Chi goes, Jing follows.”

“Jing?” I asked.

“Yup; physical manifestation! Which can actually work AGAINST you if you
force things and not return back to the balance… like right now!”

That split second I found his grin unnerving, all the move so due to starting
to feel rather uncomfortable in my right hand…

“Okay, don’t panic. Just close your eyes, keep your tongue curled to the roof
of your mouth, relax your body, and feel the energy leave your hand and
with an exhale finding itself back down to your navel area. Do this ten

My hand began feeling normal again.

“This is incredible! What else can one pull off at a crowded party?”
He laughed, and then he landed it with the big one…

“Do you want to get taller?” he asked.

“Are you serious?! Sure I do! haha”

He got me to stand up on my feet, and walk up to the gum tree I was

stretching at. He then asked me to reach up to the furthest possible reach of
my arm up the tree while my heels remained on the ground.

“That indentation JUST above your middle finger… Can you see it? Good…
Try to reach up as high as you can. Can you top that mark? No. Okay, so
there is our mark. I am going to get you to do a similar drill, and then try to
go reach above this indentation while your feet are just as they were when
you tried the first time: heels staying on the ground and all.”

Intriguing. I already “knew” there was no way in Hell I could top my

previous best, but then again I probably would have felt the same way about
the size of one hand compared to the other prior to the first drill.

I was excited! So I promptly sat down and followed his voice.

He got me into seated meditation as before, this time insisting that my

perineum was clear off the ground. “That’s why sitting in lotus position is so
strongly recommended when it comes to these exercises” he said. “Your root
should be clear of any hurdles and circulation there should be free.”

Following this, as instructed, I curled up my tongue to the roof of my mouth,

rested my hands on my thighs palms facing up, the thumb and middle finger
tips joined, eyes closed, and as instructed, paid very close attention to my
body’s reaction to my breathing, including the sound of my heart.

“Good. Now that your attention is fully in your body, at the same time, you
visualize the magnetic energy of the Earth, and the electric energy of the
solar flares from the sky joining at the tip of your nostril, being inhaled into
your body.”

He continued…
“Inhale, picturing this energy forming a ball of while light at your tail bone.
This ball of light has mass. Picture your spinal column as an empty vessel,
like a balloon, ready to be filled with this energy and as it is filled, it is
stretch upward – the tip of your tailbone staying where it is, but your spinal
column expanding upwards… stretching… all the disks between each
individual vertebrae filling with expansive light.”

I was definitely feeling something there. Like a mild heat.

“You feel the vertebrae along the small of your back expanding and
stretching upwards.

“You now feel the ball of energy being filled with even more energy from
your inhalations, and moving up to fill the middle vertebrae, expanding
them, stretching them, filling every microscopic cavity with voluminous

“You now feel the ball move further up still, expanding the vertebrae along
your upper back, filling every cavity with light, expanding every empty row
with voluminous light, stretching you upward. Direct it. Feel it. You are the

Similarly, he moved up to my neck vertebrae with the same instruction.

“As a final inhale, visualize your right hand – the same hand you used to
stretch up and reach the furthest point up on the tree… feel it expand and
stretch out with Chi.

“As you exhale, you do so very, very quietly, intending for your body to keep
to itself all the expansive light you have inhaled. Now, slowly open your eyes
and while in a meditative state, walk up to the tree.”

I did just as asked and little did I know the shock with which I would be
made to wake back up from my reverie.

“Reach out and touch the tree, and try to best your previous best right at the
indentation mark at the bark.”

I could hardly believe it. I was able to reach up beyond that mark (my
previous best) by what appeared to be a full inch and a half!
Looking back now, I wish I had gotten more details from my friend (who
just minutes later into a very spirited conversation that ensued shocked me
with his real age of 55 instead of the thirties I thought he was at). I am sure I
would have learned a lot more from him. Instead, we parted ways, and I
have not seen him since.

But that meeting was momentous enough to impel me into researching all
this even further and, combining that with my knowledge of Psionics and
Radionics, give myself a permanent boost in height. Permanent is the
keyword here, as doing the above exercise (which I am hoping you’ve given
a shot by now) as a once-off will show you in a matter of hours that
permanency will require a little more work.

And this leads me to my final point about the role of genetics in our height
before marching on to the BLUEPRINT that I followed to permanently
boost my height.

Here’s a fact you might like to chew on for a while: Even if, despite all that
we’ve covered so far, you still believe that our height is forever doomed to
the whims of our genes, you will do well to realize that most people NEVER
reach their full genetic potential, and for reasons other than being
unfortunate recipients of Hera’s jealous curses all the way from Olympus.

A 5’6” male might infact have the genetic potential to reach a full 5’9” (or
even taller) given the right conditions (both internal and external) but never
reach such a height – even during his teens when his growth plates are not
yet fused – due to those conditions not being fully met.

If you were to ask him years later about the reason for his stunted height
compared to his twin brother whom, after having lived away in another
country and subjected to different diets, climates and customs, returned back
a full four inches taller, the answer you would probably still get would be: “I
dunno, it’s the genes I guess…”

If this shorter gentleman spells you, then good news: You guess WRONG!
(or only very partially correct, which is still significantly “wrong enough”
given the far-reaching ramifications of not being entirely on the right page).

One need only examine the increase of up to an entire inch in height they
enjoy upon waking up every morning to be given a small reminder of the
other factors which play a part the development of our height. Remember the
synergistic effect of diet, gravity and daily habits (especially sitting postures)
to name just a few non-genetic factors: each accentuating the effects of the
others, either towards the ‘+’ or the ‘–’, and over the course of many days,
months and years.

And there lies the supreme advantage of choosing for a girlfriend a mistress
who is skilled in the art of stretching your limps to the bedposts with
handcuffs at night, but let me arrive at the point before I make further silly
digressions: There is ALWAYS room for improvement even as your
genetic predisposition allows.

If you insist on believing that your height is solely governed by your genes,
you should now start viewing your genes as conduits of untapped potential
for even greater height, rather than shackles that bind you lower to the
ground. I can guarantee you that in most cases, the former approach is far
closer to the truth than the latter, which in effect is nothing more than
fatalistic thinking that arises out of ignorance and the desire to justify

Truth of the matter is, our DNA is susceptible to change. It is alterable.

Worry can alter DNA. Emotional trauma can alter DNA. All of these lead to
one of the negative manifestations of altered DNA: cancer.

The opposite is also true; our DNA is alterable in positive (and even neutral)
ways. DNA can respond to incoming light of various spectrums – even the
photonic one that we can see, or subtler ones that emanate from our
consciousness (or the consciously charged thoughts taking shape in our
etheric field and expressing themselves in our habits, tendencies, personal
appearance, and on the list goes).

Far from being the sole dictator of our physical make-up, the DNA, then,
acts as a portal through which data – psychic information – in our Etheric
field finds expression in our bodies.

One can’t help but ask, when one considers the seeming huge discrepancy in
the difference between a chimpanzee’s biology, and a 6’3” blonde, blue-
eyed Bavarian farmer, given that they share 99% of the each other’s genetic
“Naaaawwww Arman! A chimp’s external appearance accounts for only a
fraction of its genetic make-up, the others being internal anatomy and
biological processes.”

You don’t say!

Well then, let’s compare the good farmer with another entity that shares
~99.9887% of his genetics: A 3’6” human dwarf!

Right, I have belted this issue black and blue enough already. Let’s leave
“conventional wisdom” behind and enter a world of new possibilities.

Recall that we spoke of the etheric field being a repository of information

that is expressed in our physical makeup. This includes data that act to
constrains us to our current height. Believe it or not, while this data might
cater for purely physical expressions, a lot of it has emotional roots! It is this
very data that rears its ugly head every time you say “Baloney!” to the
proposition of growing taller by purely psychic means.

It is a limiting belief that WILL counter any attempt you make at making
yourself grow taller, and will counteract any success you might enjoy,
making it a temporary pleasure until you go back to your negative belief-
ordained physical reality.

So what’s the first task ahead of us?

Easy: to get rid of the negative beliefs surrounding our ability to grow taller.
Only then can the path of even a mustard seed of positive belief be
unclogged, allowing it to move mountains.

The increase in positive belief about your height is directly proportional to

the DECREASE in the negative belief surrounding what is possible for you
and your height. When the latter is gradually flushed out of your etheric
field, the former (being gradually introduced in the way I will recommend
shortly) will take firmer root in your etheric field and, eventually, your

Before we get rid of these negative beliefs, we need to identify them first.
The following exercise is a MUST – a prerequisite for what is to follow.
Don’t worry, it’s very easy. All you need to do, is read through the following
questions first. Next, take a separate piece of paper and write the questions,
for whom the corresponding answer is “No” on that piece of paper.

When you answer the questions, get a FEEL for the answers, rather than
answer them off the top of your head. FEEL your body react to the questions
as you answer them. FEEL where exactly on your body you sense more
reaction than other body parts as you answer these questions.

Don’t force any feeling. Just relax and keep aware of what’s going on. Once
you pin-point the feelings, write down where the sensations were on your
body as you answered.

For example, let’s say you are answering question number 5.

On that separate piece of paper, you write down your input like this:

Q5 – answer: No – I felt the most sensation in my solar plexus.

That separate piece of paper will form an energetic link to you and those
negative beliefs (revealed by the “No” answers). So, it is vital that you
answer these questions with an honesty that would make Iago envious
(kidding, he wasn’t honest):

Alright, here we go. Remember, there are no “right” and “wrong” answers.
Just “honest” and “dishonest” ones.

Q1: Do you honestly disagree that your height is doomed to what it is now
for as long as you live?

Q2: Do you believe that you deserve to be given a boost in height increase
by an inch?

Q3: Do you believe you deserve to be given a boost in height increase by

two inches?

Q4: Do you believe you deserve to be given a boost in height increase by

three inches?
Q5: Do you believe you deserve any and all height increase in as short a
time as possible?

Q6: Do you believe you deserve the benefit of confidence in your inter-
personal interactions that will follow from your height increase?

Q7: Do you believe you deserve the boost in self-esteem that will follow
from your height increase?

Q8: Would you resist deeming members of the opposite sex to be shallow in
giving you more attention as a result of your height increase?

Q9: Would you resist judging others as “ass-kissers” for showing you more
respect than they used to as a result of your height increase?

Q10: Do you think you will feel comfortable when your associates, family
and friends exclaim surprise at the increase in your height?

Q11: Do you honestly believe in the statement: “With faith, you can move

Q12: Do you believe that this report will give you a boost in your height?

Remember, again, you must answer honestly.

So now you have a sheet of paper that acts as an energetic link – a “scan
sheets” if you will – for the thoughtforms that counter any intrusions into
your etheric field of new beliefs for boosting height. When these
thoughtforms are dissolved, programming your subconscious and, by
extention, your DNA for height will become easy.

Now, there are several ways of dissolving these beliefs. I will explain two of
them. The first is self-hypnosis, combined with with a powerful Huna
technique called Ho’Oponopono (literally: “To set things right”). This is an
enormously powerful practice based on the second Huna principle of “Kala”
which states: “There are no limits.” And so: “You set things right (“right”
being the end result of what you want) by removing your limiting blocks”.

So how do we remove limits using Ho’Oponopono? It’s deceptively simple.

We simply “observe” the emotions at arise when we turn our senses inward
and contemplate the answers we gave to the questions, while chanting
(either in our minds or out loud) “I love you. Thank you. I am sorry. Please
forgive me.”

These chants seem to tap into energies that have an extraordinarily powerful
cleansing effect and, a lot of authorities acknowledge, are related to one of
the key (overlooked) principles of the Law of Attraction.

There is a fascinating story behind them. Dr. Maharleka Hue Len, a

Hawaiian psychologist and Huna Shaman whose story became the subject
matter of the best-selling book by Joe Vitale called “Zero Limits” (among
others) used this technique to heal an entire ward set for the criminally

And he did so solely through relying on this technique, without even

meeting any of the patients!

All he did was simply look over their profiles, one by one, then go into a
meditative state and, any emotions, thoughts or mental imagery
(accompanied with sound or movement) that arose out of reading the details
of their crimes and conditions where subjected to these same chants. “I love
you. Thank you. I am sorry. Please forgive me.”

Within months, the patients’ behavior improved dramatically. Some of the

drugs administered to them were cut off. Workers no longer took sick or
stress leaves. Shortly thereafter, they were released and the ward was closed

Of course, this works much better when you are in a meditative state, as
these thoughtforms that you are attempting to clease reside at the etheric
level of your body, and you can more effectively access them when your
brainwaves get down to between mid-Alpha down to Theta.

Doing this is extremely easy with what’s called Hawaiian Piko Piko
breathing. Simply sit comfortably (preferably with your back straight),
WILL your body to get heavier and relax while your eyes are closed, and
then begin a series of inhales and exhales, with your full attention on the
crown of your head when you inhale, and then your full attention shifting to
the area three inches below your navel when you exhale.
Do this for several minutes, and before long, you will find that you have
gone into a deep soothing trance where, as your body is fully relaxed, your
thoughts (and the emotions that accompany them) are nonetheless more

Don’t worry if you don’t get this right the first time. Your improvement with
practice is inevitable (and I will also say “thrilling” ).

Now that you are in a state conducive to Ho’Oponopono, you can do either
one of two things. You can either attempt to remember the questions we’ve
outlined, then conjure up the answers to them in your mind – honestly of
course – and as the feelings that accompany those answers arise, you simply
chant in your mind the four phrases of “I love you. Thank you. I am sorry.
Please forgive me.” – up to 12 times per question, and then move on to the

A second (far better) option, you can record your own voice on a tape
recorded or even your computer (which you can later download as a sound
file into your mp3 player), asking each of the questions up to twelve times,
and commanding yourself to answer them in your mind honestly, and then

So it goes something like this:

“Do you believe you deserve the boost of up to 3 inches in your height?
Answer this in your mind. FEEL why you are saying “No.” Now clean those
feelings that cause the answer away from your being. Chant in your mind:
“I love you. Thank you. I am sorry. Please forgive me.””

Repeat this 12 times per question and, of course, feel free to word them in
anyway you are comfortable with.

This method is incredibly effective, and if we are to take the way

permutations of it are used in “Illumination Intensive”-style workshops (like
Landmark, EST, etc.) for other limiting beliefs as yardstick, we should be
fairly confident that just a few sessions of this self-hypnosis will be enough
to obliterate any limiting belief you have about your ability to grow taller
right out of the water.
This paves the way for height-boosting beliefs to take root in your etheric
field without being counter-acted, and stay long enough (i.e. forever) to
eventually find expression in your physical body.

Nonetheless, for that to happen, be prepared to commit to this etheric

“detoxing” for up to a month if you have to. It’s VITAL that the detoxing of
negative beliefs take place.

If you are running short on time, and can’t sit through a half-hour of
cleansing per session, then guess what…


While the effects of using this particular protocol can take longer than self-
hypnosis, it is still effective and, if you are pressed for time, it becomes
particularly useful as performing the operation you are about to learn takes
literally just minutes.

First, just a primer for those who are not familiar with radionics.

Radionics is a branch of energy work where your thoughts – your intentions

– are delegated to an EXTENTION of yourself – a machine. The idea is to
free you from the task of having to concentrate on one aspect of your
operation and instead focus on something else related to whatever operation
that’s underway. That’s after all what machines do: they make life a lot

The machine is built on the principle that its metallic components (don’t
worry, it is nothing intimidating at all and I will show you how to build one
for cheap very shortly) act as conductors of psychic information when they
come in direct contact to your body (and along with it, your etheric field).

In a way, this is not dissimilar to how thoughts affect water. If you were to
subject water to positive messages such as love, gratitude, or even those
inherent in positive music such as those composed by Bach, Mozart, Marilyn
Manson (kidding), after a while, you will invariably see very beautiful water
crystal formations cascading throughout the body of water when viewed
under the microscope.
Similarly, subjecting the water to negative thoughts or even names
associated with evil individuals such as Adolf Hitler or a deranged ex
girlfriend, you will invariably see the crystals take very chaotic, ugly shapes.

Salts, it seems, can be similarly “programmed”, as can other minerals.

This becomes absolutely crucial to bear in mind if you want to ensure

success with this program, but for now, let’s focus on making the machine.

Look at the diagram below. This is roughly what the machine will look like:

Right, here is what you need:

Cardboard cut-out with the above measurement specifications
A length of aluminum foil
6 potentiometers (value in Ohms doesn’t matter)
6 dials, preferably calibrated from 0-10, but if you can’t obtain them,
create the calibrations from 0 (left) to 10 (right) in a circle around
each of the holes, as shown below:

Soldering iron
A length of solder wire
A length of copper wire (as much as can be spared to keep safe,
though you will find you wont need much; up to two meters should be

First thing we will do is insert the potentiometers from the BACK of the
cardboard (the side where you have not calibrated the dials, that being
reserved for the FRONT side of the cardboard where you will mount the
dials eventually).

You do so by taking each of the potentiometers and inserting that cylindrical

part (not the flat one, but the longer, thinner one – otherwise known as the
STEM of the potentiometer) through each of the hole and, with the three
teeth of the potentiometers facing down towards the bottom of the cardboard
(the part that will rest on the floor), tie back the knots on over the stems on
the other side of the cardboard, firmly securing the potentiometers onto the

After you secure all the potentiometers in place, twiddle their stems all the
way to the left. This will be the left-most reading of the dial (“0” in other
words) when it is mounted on the potentiometer. The dials are easy to mount
over the stem. On one side of each dial you will notice small screws that
shut out any intrusions into the dials (sort of like a constipated housewife).
Unscrew them until the way inside the dials are clear, and then mount them
over the stem of the potentiometers with the pointer of the dials
corresponding to the ZERO calibration on the cardboard exactly. Once that
is set, screw the small nail at the back of the dials in place to secure the dials
to the stem of the potentiometers.

You’re nearly done. Now comes the wiring part. Using the solder and the
soldering iron, with the teeth of the potentiometers as “platforms” over
which you will solder the copper wires into place, follow the specifications
on the image below:
With the wiring taken care of comes the last and the easier part: Take the
aluminum foil and cut out three 4”x4” foils and simply glue them over the
three platforms on the cardboard cut-out that you’ve seen in the earlier
image above dubbed (a), (b) and (c). The foils, being metal, come into
contact with the copper of the wires over which they are glued, and
(recalling that metal is a conductor of psychic energy) connect whatever is
put on them to the circuitry of the machine.

Now, each of these platforms have their own functions, and the functions are
as follow:

Platform (a) will act as our “Witness” Plate.

Platform (b) will act as our “Transmittal” Plate.

Platform (c) will act as our “Stick pad”.

And we’re done! If this is your first radionic machine, congratulations! You
are now the owner of a very powerful mechanism with which to direct your

In this instance, our intent is to clean our etheric field of thoughtforms

(manifesting in the form of beliefs) that counter our attempt to grow taller.

Here’s how you use it.

The piece of paper that you used to answer those questions: You simply fold
it and place it on Platform (a) (the witness plate) of your mention.

Next, with your right hand, you place your thumb over Platform (c) (the
“stick pad”). Then you ask your subconscious the following question:
“What’s the correct rate for my limiting beliefs about boosting my height?”
with your thoughts focused on the questions and the answers you gave them.
Then, with your left hand, you very slowly turn the dials (go left to right,
and start with the top dials, and then move to the lower dials) while rubbing
the stick pad with your thumb.

Where you get a STICK (when you feel something “stopping” or hurdling
the rubbing of your thumb over the foil over the stick pad) then you stop
turning that dial.
Do the same with all the dials.

What you end up with is what’s called the “rate” that collectively locks on to
the relationship between you and your limiting beliefs. They are now
etherically in contact with the machine and you no longer need to focus on
them anymore.

Now, what you do is you record each of the dial’s values.

Let’s say you get these values: 2, 3, 4.5, 7, 8, 1.

What you will do now is, on another (smaller) piece of paper, write down
the four phrases of Ho’Oponopono (“I love you. Thank you. Please forgive
me. I’m sorry”), causing that piece of paper to emanate the cleansing
energies of these phrases (yes it does: remember, placing this piece of paper
into or on the other side of a clear glass of water can alter its crystalline
structures of the water into more harmonious patterns) and then place that
piece of paper on Platform (b), or the transmittal plate of your machine.

The energies emanating from the paper will be picked up by the metal foil
and then introduced into the circuit, in liaison with the energies linking to
your limiting beliefs already present, and will bring about their cleansing.

Finally, you boost this operation by doing what’s followed in medical

radionics: You simply reset the dials to the value if you to subtract the
current ones from 10.

So your new settings will be: 8, 7, 5.5, 3, 2, 9.

Don’t ask me why this works; it just does, and please bear in mind what
we’ve touched upon is not adhered to on the premise that it makes any sense
at all (it doesn’t make much electronic or medical sense) but purely on the
premise that it’s shown to work.

Alright, this takes care of our limiting beliefs. As you can see, I’ve dedicated
the better half of this entire report to getting rid of limiting beliefs. Why?
Because it’s vitally important. This is what will determine the difference
between success and failure.
Now cometh the easy part! Simply use a self-hypnosis script dedicated to
growing taller and listen to it once, or preferably twice (once in the morning
and once in the evening or before going to sleep) every day.

Before I tell you my version of the script, I will let you know that there
might be scripts out there available online that might work better for you, or
better still, you can create your own script – one that you feel “at home”
with – and stick to that.

I need to emphasize that it’s best to do any and all the following exercises
while lying down. While some of them will seem like there are derivatives
of Qigong (and they are), please note that we are doing self-hypnosis and
energy work while allowing for as minimal distraction to our work (gravity
in this case) as possible, so traditional constraints of these practices
involving standing up, slow movement or sitting – pretty much everything
that entails your spinal column or your joints be parallel with the earth’s
gravity – will be done away with.

You are to do this with your eyes closed, lying down. It is essential that you
do this in day-light, or in a room with the lights on. Otherwise, it is easy to
fall asleep (especially for beginners).

There are 4 steps.

1- With your eyes closed, your hands lying by your side, your legs less
than shoulder-width apart, come to the realization that your body is
made mostly of empty space (which does have scientific basis as we
have discussed earlier). Tell yourself, in your mind: “I am mostly
empty space. I am made of energy, waiting to be shaped and reshaped
according to my Mind’s command.” Just relax into this reality, fully
internalizing it into every fabric of your being. With every inhale, you
internalize it even deeper, and with every exhale, every shred of doubt
leaves your body.
2- Now, bring all your awareness to three inches below your navel. This
is the area of your body’s central power house; the site of the first cell
of your body that was formed in your mother’s womb. It is from here
that your growth will start, evenly, in all directions. Gradually
visualize a ball of intense light forming there, gaining intensity with
every breath that you take. If you are kinesthetic and can’t visualize,
simply feel its heat and vibration getting stronger and stronger. If you
are more auditory, hear the humming of its energy (you may even
visualize it crackling and emitting a faint roar like a fire).
3- Now, after about a minute or two of this, imagine yourself inhaling
from your navel, drawing in all the energy of the Universe, and as the
ball of energy gains more intensity, it pushes energy to the rest of your
body, filling every part of you with light, leaving no cavity un-
explored. Stay here in this serene empowering peace for sometime,
until you feel the ball of energy gaining more momentum still. This
time, feel it PUSHING the energy down your legs and up your spine,
towards your chest, across your arms, and down to your hands.
Imagine it cause you to expand. Feel the floor underneath you slide as
your skin moves in expansion.
4- Keep feeling the expansion, feeling, hearing and visualizing yourself
expanding 1 inch in along your spine and your legs. Then 2 inches.
Then 3. Stop where you intuitively feel you’ve had enough expansion
for the time being, and STAY THERE. Stay there for a further 10
minutes, and make sure you exhale very quietly. That way your
subconscious won’t know the difference and will retain all that height-
boosting energy with you for much longer period.

This whole process should not take you more than 20 minutes.

It is absolutely essential that you wake up from the whole experience

*gradually*. Count from 1 to 10 while exhaling very quietly, fully intent on
retaining as much of the energy you drew into your body, into your
subconscious, as possible. Remember, you are programming your etheric
field to take on a new reality, and have that reality eventually expressed in
your physical body.

The ball of Chi that you form in your navel area (your navel chakra) will act
as a reservoir of energy AND as a thoughtform to accelerate the whole

And voila! There is your blueprint. All that remain now is taking action…
and a couple of extra tips that I hope you take on board. They will only help
you in your journey.

WATER. It is vital that you keep yourself hydrated. Generally 8 glasses a

day will suffice, unless you live in a hot climate area or are involved in
extraneous physical activity.
Remember, water can be PROGRAMMED. It can be programmed with
information. That information can be anything from life-negating data such
as the energy emanating from a rapists’ name, to life-affirming data such as
“I am inevitably affecting my DNA; I am growing taller.” The resultant
energy that emanates from the water will only further help your DNA
accommodate your new reality.

Mineral salts can also be programmed with information, and so, make sure
you are fully mineralized. Some of the best foods that I have come across
that help in that regard are any and all leafy dark green vegetables, fruits and
especially superfoods such as Cacao and Goji berries. And they taste

Finally, there is a technique you might want to incorporate into your

practice, and that is the fine art of “sexual transmutation.”

Men, do NOT waste

your semen if you
do not have to. You
will only be draining
your vital life force,
and a LOT of
minerals along the
way. Instead, draw
the energy up from
your genitals (your
testicles) to your
Dantien, visualizing
the surplus energy
accumulating there
and being stored for
later use.

You will find that

with time, this will GREATLY help not only with having a feel for the area
gaining surplus energy and sending it off to your spine and your limbs
during the above exercise, but that it will increase your overall personal
power manifold. I can not emphasis the advantage this will give you in the
growing taller game (or ANY game) enough.
If you are a girl reading this (which obviously means you can’t rely on any
testicles to achieve “sexual transmutation”) the solution is simple. Now and
again, if/when you finish a session at the gym, particularly if weight lifting is
involved, you will feel a surge of testosterone, which might in some cases
cause you to want to have sex.

In situations such as this (or any situation wherein you feel sexually aroused
and you do not have a partner to do the “grown up” with), simply sit down in
meditation and “draw” the energy from your genitals to your Dantien as
illustrated. The effects are the same, as will be the help this activity will
impart to your progress.

And with that, we’ve reach the end of this writ, and the start of a new
journey in your life. One that will astound you with the possibilities as it has

Needless to mention, do not hesitate to get back in tough with me with any
questions you might have, and over the coming months, I eagerly anticipate
your success stories.

I am planning on creating self-hypnosis MP3s to compliment this program,

and when I am done with them, expect an email from my neck of the woods.

Until then!

Arman DeArtemi
PS – My email is at
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