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Respectful - I’m kind, I treat others the way I want to be treated, and I also have good

Shy - I won’t be the first one to start a conversation. I’m usually nervous to speak in
front of a crowd, and I’m usually always quiet.

Understanding - I understand others, and try helping them if I can in every way. I’m
also very supportive.

Organized - I always take my time and try to do everything the best way I can, until I’m
successful with what I have accomplished.

Athletic - I love running, swimming, and playing sports on my free time. I worry about
my health.

Creative - I always have something in mind and I enjoy drawing. I’m always using my
imagination on everything.

Energetic - I always have energy inside me and I don’t get tired that easy. I’m always
ready, and work fast on doing things.

Friendly - I always try to have a smile when been around others. I always use positive

Motivated - I always do what I have in mind even if sometimes it’s hard to accomplish
what I’m trying to get done.

Responsible - I buy my own stuff and I always do what’s best for me and others. I take
care of my things very well also.

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