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| enkeeeeueke tue aces @))' Board 1 of 4 The lobby is an eruption of bright blues and purples overflowing with energy. Modern technology pro: vides safety, communication, and comfort for each guest. Guests will bbe mesmerized by the integration of sustainable energy into the furni- ture and fixtures. The 28'0" high cellings in the lobby and open mez- zanine on the second floor create volumetric limitlessness, ‘lass water tables incorporate Hy: ropower into the function off niture. The lowing water from ‘the balcony ofthe mezzanine runs ‘down the handrail slong the cell. Ing, down the wall, and trough ‘the table, supplying renewable ‘energy forthe entire lobby area. | “The reception area is contained by a curve glass wal, Human motion wil cause water to low from the wal as people move inthe space eround it is Sense of sleeplessness. Bright colors, ficial and natural lighting, and advanced technology encour- fage the celebration and remembrance of a child-like imagination. ‘The restaurant balances the age difference between children and. adults and forms an atmosphere they can be enthusiastically en- gaged in. ity when upside down windmills suspanded from the celling produce contin Lousy moving patterns The wind power supplies energy forthe entire res. an Interesting focal pint. ‘There is a dramatic change in atmosphere upon enter- ing the hotel room. Tans, browns, and oranges incor- porate a warm atmospheric change. Rhythmic lights and luxurious furnishings offer a smooth sensation to each guest. The rooms are designed to slowdown a person's rapidly moving mind and encourage the se- renity of sleep. ‘custom designed ‘co friendly carpet mage trom corn products ‘small group tables in the lobby conta advanced technology. Guests «an play classe eletronc games and ereate artwork that wil be elec- ‘ronically transmitted to the headbcards of theirhotel beds. The tables encourage development of imagination and a familiar touch to ‘each guest room.

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