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BBC Learning English

Face up to Phrasals
Mark's Email Mistake

Episode 11: Big Mistake?

Mark wrote bad things about Peter in an email, but he

accidentally sent it to Peter instead of Ali!!! Mark deleted the
email from Peter's computer, but then the email appeared on
Ali's computer!

Ali: Mark… you didn't delete that email… you sent it on to the
whole department!

Oh my goodness! Mark, the whole department knows what you

said about stupid Peter! What on earth is going to happen now?
Find out in the final episode of Mark's Email Mistake.

Send on – sent on – sent on

Meaning: If you send something on, you forward a message, object, or piece of information etc., that
has been given to you, to another person.

Grammar: This phrasal verb needs an object. It is possible to put the object between the verb and
particle. If the object is a pronoun, it must go between the verb and particle.

I sent on the parcel

I sent the parcel on
I sent it on

I sent on it

Example sentence: My mum gave me a t-shirt, but it was too big for me, so I sent it on to my brother.

Synonyms: forward, redirect, readdress, pass on, transfer


Face up to Phrasals ©BBC Learning English 2009

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