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Cllent: City Sole ( City Sole is a shoe store, both physical and online, based in New York City. They specialize in TRIES OR eee eee ne Utena eeu Reus eur Problem: Outdated Site Cree Se em et ee te aici E RN EU cen Ra POU eee eet een Cen ccc es eer neue Cer Eee eect ieee eee eae ce eo functions well enough to use but is hard to navigate and is broken down in a manner that can Ree ne MU Cae eee eee eee ee Ue nena ec eu ei eR een eau ene Solution: Update and clean up design Using newer techniques, the site will still have all the content and models of shoes available, but will be displayed in a manner that is easier to take in. The front page will no longer have massive lists of product but will be limited to the newest products, news (release dates) and specials. The navigation will be given an overhaul so that it is not one long list of models but separated into categories. The 100k of the site will also be updated to a cleaner, more modern Peet na turer ceesen ca Shepp) Cut / chek oot

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